The Great Reset is real.

in great •  4 years ago

I was lucky enough to come upon this article this morning that does a really fine job of recapping the whole “GREAT RESET” scenario that I, and many others, have been essentially screaming about since March, when the unimaginable, up to that point “global” Covid Lockdown was initiated.

If you don’t know what the Great Reset plan involves, then PLEASE read the linked article and follow some of the links within it, especially the ones to the James Corbett video and the Tessa Lena essay.

At this point, 9 astonishing months in… SO many smart people have written so brilliantly on the subject.

Unfortunately, if you are a mainstream media consumer or TV newswatcher, then what you will be told about this massively coordinated and highest level global technocratic reset agenda, will be very very filtered by the media and always framed as something we and the world NEEDS to fall in line behind in order to survive and thrive. In other words, it will be served up as yet another bullshit MASTER PLAN, like the many top-down master plans before it, to capture our attention, compromise our will, undermine our liberties and deny our basic human rights as it STEALS our savings, our property and our future - not to mention the future of everyday working people ALL around the world.

This coming “scientific dictatorship“(to use Aldous Huxley‘s phrase) will be the first of its kind ever designed to be centralized and global in nature.

Because of the Great Reset’s importance as a map to what may play out in this calamitous moment, I highly recommend your reading this, and learning more about the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), so that you can get your bearings on the way to better understanding what it all means... because it is COMING - like an oncoming freight train, and it is very close to IMPACT!

The “Dark Winter” that we have been told about has arrived... abs is here right NOW!

So, if you happen to be sitting there wishin’ and hopin’ that our politicians will save us... (snork)... and that things will before long return to normal so that we can all get back to our old lives... then I am sorry to tell you, but that’s NOT happening!

This “Great Reset” shit is real, friends... and it’s big and strong and it’s bearing down on ALL of us… from the very highest alphabetized levels; UN, WHO, WEF, IMF, WB, BIS, etc., where the reset button was officially pressed back in March, after which some 118 countries were essentially ordered to SHUT DOWN - which they did, within a matter of a few weeks. Such is the power of the central banking mafia!

Unlike tyrannical coups of the past, this new world-wide high-tech economic and aggressively “personalized” propagandized form of “revolution” resembles nothing so much as it does a 21st-century form of left-side fascism - a techno-fascist trans-humanist totalitarian regime change, from which none will be allowed to opt-out.

In this case, we will have to individually fight our way out of it! Do not sleep on this one. PLEASE!

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