Fake Socialism and fake Capitalism are control structures for the globalist overlords.

in great •  4 years ago 


“Socialism” carries the same risks of being corrupted by control freaks as fake “capitalism.” Ultimately control freaks will rig the system to maintain and perpetuate their wealth and power advantages.

Many on the left are being fooled by everything that’s getting attached to Covid-19, including heavy censorship, corrupted science and fraudulent statistics designed to keep the public fearful and compliant within the burgeoning fascist surveillance police state.

Our globalist overlords are in the process of replacing fake capitalism with fake socialism. If things go as planned according to the “Great (fake) Reset” crowd, your only rights will involve serving their dictates without so much as being able to question any government decisions on your own or anyone else’s behalf. The real question is what percent of the public will they deem “nonessential.”


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