Greatest Quotes #32: Jalaluddin Rumi

in greatestquotes •  7 years ago 


Many of the faults you see in others, dear reader, are your own nature reflected in them. As the Prophet said, “The faithful are mirrors to one another.”

Jalaluddin Rumi


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In the sea of love, I melt like salt, Faith, Doubt - they both dissolve. A star is opening in my heart, The worlds turn in it.

از بس که برآورد غمت آه از من
ترسم که شود به کام بدخواه از من
دردا که ز هجران تو ای جان جهان
خون شد دلم و دلت نه آگاه از من

This world
my head
with its answers.
I would burn if I had a choice.

Atom, you want to flee the sun?
Madman, give up!
You're a jar; fate's a stone-
kick against it, and you'll waste your wine.

Listen to presences inside poems,
Let them take you where they will.
Follow those private hints,
and never leave the premises.

You come to us
from another world

From beyond the stars
and void of space.
Transcendent, Pure,
Of unimaginable beauty,
Bringing with you
the essence of love.

You are the master alchemist.

You light the fire of love
in earth and sky
in heart and soul
of every being.

Through your love
existence and nonexistence merge.
All opposites unite.
All that is profane
becomes sacred again.

You transform all
who are touched by you.
Mundane concerns,
troubles, and sorrows
dissolve in your presence,
Bringing joy
to ruler and ruled
To peasant and king

You bewilder us
with your grace.
All evils
transform into

Оглушал от гласа на желанието
ти не знаеш,
че Любимият живее
в твоето сърце.
Спри шума
и ще чуеш в тишината
Неговия глас.

Let me praise you tonight.
Because tomorrow you cannot be described by words,
While describing you.
Tomorrow, earth and sky will disappear altogether.