Greatest Quotes #43: Jalaluddin Rumi

in greatestquotes •  7 years ago 


Open to me, so that I may open.

Provide me your inspiration

So that I might see mine.

Jalaluddin Rumi


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الله يجمع بيننا, و يفرق البعد عن بيننا, سَنَة الوصل سِنَة , و سِنَة الهجر سَنَة

Love Is the Treasure The temple of love is not love itself; True love is the treasure, Not the walls about it. Do not admire the decoration, But involve yourself in the essence, The perfume that invades and touches you— The beginning and the end. Discovered, this replaces all else, The apparent and the unknowable. Time and space are slaves to this presence.

I came back to You because I could not find the kind and decent things I found in You anywhere else.

I lamented in every gathering;
I associated with those in bad or happy circumstances.
(But) everyone became my friend from his (own) opinion;
he did not seek my secrets from within me.
My secret is not far from my lament,
but eyes and ears do not have the light to sense it.

نار العشق هى التى نشبت فى الناى، وغليان العشق هو الذى سرى فى الخمر.
والناى صديق لكل من افترق عن أليفه، ولقد مزقت أنغامه الحجب عنا.
فمن رأى كالناى سما وترياقا، ومن رأى كالناى نجيا ومشتاقا.
إن الناى يتحدث عن الطريق الملئ بالدماء، والنى هو الذى يروى قصص عشق المجنون.

In the heavens I see your eyes,
In your eyes I see the heavens.

Why look for another Moon or another Sun?—
What I see will always be enough for me.

سئل مولانا جلال الدين الرومي ذات يوم....
نراك تقرأ وتكتب كثيرا فهلا اخبرتنا ماذا تعرف؟
فقال.. أعرف حدودي..

إن أحوال الكمل العارفين لا يُدركها فج ساذج، ومن ثم ينبغى أن نقصر الكلام فسلاما.

Kemarin aku menjadi pintar
Aku ingin merubah dunia
Hari ini aku menjadi bijak
Aku ingin merubah diriku sendiri.

Moon and evening star do their
slow tambourine dance to praise
this universe. The purpose of
every gathering is discovered:
to recognize beauty and love
what’s beautiful. “Once it was
like that, now it’s like this,”
the saying goes around town, and
serious consequences too. Men
and women turn their faces to the
wall in grief. They lose appetite.
Then they start eating the fire of
pleasure, as camels chew pungent
grass for the sake of their souls.
Winter blocks the road. Flowers
are taken prisoner underground.
Then green justice tenders a spear.
Go outside to the orchard. These
visitors came a long way, past all
the houses of the zodiac, learning
Something new at each stop. And
they’re here for such a short time,
sitting at these tables set on the
prow of the wind. Bowls of food
are brought out as answers, but
still no one knows the answer.