Jesus is the Saviour of sinnerssteemCreated with Sketch.

in greatness96 •  7 years ago 

Who's Jesus Christ?

He's the Saviour of sinners from their sins.

And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. Matthew1:21

Jesus came to deliver sinners from their sins. His destiny on earth was clearly defined before His physical birth. Thus, He went about preaching repentance and delivering all that were oppressed by the devil. This is the good news: Christ has come, not for the righteous, but that sinners may come to the kingdom. He's not a fan for those that knows it all, for His wisdom confounds the wise. He's not a fan to the proud in heart, for in His humility He gave His life to die on the cross. He's not a fan to the religious elites, for He indentifies with the common man on the streets. Here's Christ, the King of kings, but a humble Saviour of all. He welcomes everyone without discrimination.

Come to Jesus today. No matter your struggles, sin,mistakes, He's still the Saviour from all evil. No one is too messed up beyond fixing by Master Jesus. You can't be too dirty to meet Jesus, for He embraces all that comes to repentance. Don't allow your past to hold you down, Christ is the deliverance and liberty you need. He's the Saviour to all, for we are His people. Spread the good news, HALLELUJAH, JESUS SAVES.
Let's pray together. Oh Lord, thank you for your mercy and salvation upon us. Today we bring ourselves to you, please deliver every sinners around us from their sins and impact upon all a new life, in Jesus name. Amen. He's our Saviour.

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