Greed and anger

in greed •  3 years ago 


Someone went to the desert to find treasure. He walked a long way, and he didn't find the treasure, so there was no water.

He thought: I will die of thirst in the desert. At this time, the Buddha appeared and gave him water, which was enough to help him escape the desert.

But when he was on his way home, he found the treasure and was so excited that he filled all his pockets and carried a schoolbag on his shoulders.

The treasure is too heavy. Every section of the road consumes his energy. He is thirsty and tired. Before long, his physical strength gradually dried up, and there was almost no water. He still did not leave the desert, and finally died of thirst in the desert.

The greatest sin of human nature is to indulge desire. This disaster stems from dissatisfaction. Too much greed will pay a painful price.

Contented people have an open mind, no matter the gains or losses, they are like looking at the scenery. Greedy people, if their desire becomes the fire of the grassland, they will definitely fall into the swamp of life.

In addition to greed, anger must be controlled, and the first control must start with family members.

Spreading inner unhappiness in the family is the greatest harm to the family.

I have read this sentence:

Being polite to outsiders may be just a kind of slick sophisticatedness in the world. Having good feelings for those closest to you is the cultivation that is deeply rooted in your heart.

People who are really well-educated know how to leave the best emotions to those closest to them. When you get along with your family, you must learn to control your emotions and don't wait until you make a mistake to regret it.

The psychologist Benn once said:

Every blow we release from our anger ultimately falls on ourselves.

Some people often vent their anger to others, make others bear their own faults, and cause the innocent to be punished instead of themselves.

This method may seem to release your emotions, but in reality, you will eventually suffer yourself.

There is an interesting term in psychology called the "kick cat effect".

A father returned home under the criticism of the company boss and scolded the child who was jumping around on the sofa.

The child became angry and kicked the rolling cat next to him violently.

When the truck passed by, the cat fled into the street. The driver avoided but injured the child on the side of the road.

This shows that anger is contagious. When we irritate others, if they are angry, they may also find another person to vent.

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