When the adrenaline rises -A very nice experience...

in greek-trail •  7 years ago  (edited)

A few days ago, I was given the opportunity to climb to a huge yellow construction crane.


This crane has 30 meters high and 99 steps...each step has a distance of 30 cm..and to
it takes to climb 4.30 minutes..

When I approached near the crane..it seemed easy to climb..and I liked the idea..

Nobody expected that I would climb it...

When I started to climb, I began to feel the fear, my heart was beating crazy, I had climbed only 10 steps (30 metres is like as ablock of flats with 10 floors).

Then I made the decision to overcome myself..

I knew that I was safe...and I had 2 people to help me..

when I was in the middle, my fear left..but adrenaline was full..

I continued to climb..when I reached the crane's cabin I was tired.. except for fearing, it was very tiring to climb..

My feelings that i had, i can not describe it..

The secret is one.. Never look down..

The view unbelievable..





I stayed 3 minutes becouse they had to start to work..

Now I had the problem how i will get down..this was too harder..

When I went down my uncle, my cousins ​​and
my uncle's associates gave me congratulations..
and if I want to work on a crane I will do it..

I dο not believe that I will make it this craze again..

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Πανικός , υψοφοβια ... :)

Μόνο πανικός.. τρέλα.. σκέψου οτι κάποιος είναι εκεί τουλάχιστον 8 ώρες.. οχι 3 λεπτά...

Καποιοι μπορουν , καποιοι οχι τοσο...

It must be an amazing feeling ...
I could never do it - but I admire people who are capable to overcome their fears!
Well done!

Hi katerina.. it is really amazing..It was a great experience..

u have a great picture bro,

Thank youuuuù....

δεν υπάρχει πιο ωραίο πράγμα απο την αδρεναλίνη , παρόλα αυτα εγώ δεν θα ανέβαινα θα την κοτευα!! :p συγχαρητήρια που ξεπέρασες τον φόβο και τα κατάφερες να ανεβείς!!

Ευχαριστώ.. άξιζε τον κόπο..

Kαλημέρες με τα Εxtreme sport!!!!

Τις καλημέρες μού κι από μένα...😀😀😀😀

Μπράβο Νίκο! Εμένα θα με έπιανε ίλιγγος εκεί πάνω.

Μη το λες.. είναι απίστευτη αίσθηση..

Η θεα που απολαμβανεις απο εκει ψηλα ειναι η ανταμοιβη σου για το ανεβα-κατεβα
Την καλημερα μου

Καλημέρα.. όντος εχεις δίκιο.. φανταστική δουλειά αλλά με πολλούς κινδύνους..

Παναγια βοηθα :p Οχι οχι δεν θα το εκανα ποτε παιδια !

Ο χειριστής συνήθως παίρμει πάρα πολλά χρήματα.. μήπως αυτό σου αλλάζει γνώμη;;;;

Χαχαχαχαχαχα! Θελει πολυ δουλεια ακομα και να παρεις μια τετοια αποφαση!

Όχι κατάλληλο για αυτούς που έχουν υψοφοβία...

Xaxaxaxaxaa. Desto san louna park..

You are a hero Niko!

Xaxaa.. thank you very muchhhh

Im so jealous!! I always wanted to climb this thing!! :)

You muct do it... excellent experience...

Yes, it very interesting and good subject to learn
the adrenaline rising