in green-lantern •  3 years ago 

Who buy video games based on movies we can assume a few things to be accurate one they clearly don't value their own money or their own time to their bad taste in movies is having an adverse effect on their tastes and video games


and see all they've got to be used to having low expectations that's something I noticed when I play them too every time we're sent a movie game here at CGR undertow my expectations

immediately lower what would be a bad video game in every other circumstance is a passable one as long as it's based on a movie and that may not seem fair and in a sense it's not but when

something is terrible most of the time mediocre becomes impressive that's exactly the case here while playing green lantern rise of the Manhunters my first reaction was wow this isn't that

bad but then after an hour had passed and the game hadn't evolved beyond that I stopped and I thought about it what if this were based on an original concept what if the protagonist I'm

controlling wasn't Ryan Reynolds does his handsome mug alone warrants a grading curve perhaps it does these games have been so bad for so long your mind creates one regardless of your own

input so I guess the better question is does the game deserve a grading curve I mean do i frame this as a pretty good movie game or has a pretty bad video game but see here's the thing

at the end of the day they're the same thing and for some reason green lantern rise of the Manhunters really coalesced that point for me it's an incredibly bland game on its own but for a while I

was kind of fooled into giving it extra credits just because it's based on a movie with strange casting choices as if that means it did extra homework or something the speaking of strange

casting you play as a character model of Ryan Reynolds with the most generic haircut I've ever seen in my entire life this is a beat'em up similar in design to the countless other movie

games that are also beat'em ups and and also there's something called god of war at least that's the template for the on-foot mission strange enough the game also adds on Rails flight missions

kind of like a sin and punishment kindergarten edition Reynolds flies forward automatically you have to dodge enemies and shoot the crap coming toward you simple as they are actually

enjoyed these a lot more than the standard levels I don't know why we can't just make movie games on Rails flight games would be way better than this by the way I keep referring to the

Green Lantern by the name of his real-life actor because I simply refuse to acknowledge Ryan Reynolds was ever depicted as a superhero you have to be kidding me Ryan Reynolds the

other thing super Ryan Reynolds has ever done is Scarlett Johansson this game has everything you'd expect button

mashing Kombat collectible glowing orbs cooperative multiplayer situational QuickTime events and lots of unabashed and of course it's also lacking everything you'd expect

including inspired gameplay a fun design or any conceivable reason to purchase it now if you like the movie and you want to know what it's like to be Ryan Reynolds well download a picture of Blake Lively or something

unlike her Green Lantern rise of the Manhunters is not something that would make your friends green with envy.

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