Cook for a week with €20,= week 5.6

in greendeliverence •  6 years ago 

Welcome to my day to day struggle with my weekly budged of 20 euro.
I try to cut my expences with today is my first day of the 3 day water fastening period. What a terrible idea is this...

I am crazy really why did I think that it would be so easy to just switch over to water. Ohh nooowww what a terrible idea is this.
this morning no shake just tea and water and tea and water at lunch I had some sparkling water. I didnt know that I'm so into eating well Iám a bit of a meatlover or put something in y mouth like a biiiggg letter ohh a letter I want a letter or chocolate I want chocolate or a oliebol or appelflap. or..or.. nuts.... right I'm going nuts over here. I need a kapsalon!!! now!! or a pizza I.. want... shoarma!!! or kale...

Buttt one more day one.. more.. day.. mondaynight I was on the scale 107,4 kg now Iám 103,7kg so It's a whole difference up to the 95 haha so that works but you go to the bathroom time after time after time and the hunger. I was like 97 earlier so that is good this is also good for my porkneck knorrknorr Yeah byebye porkneck.
They say it is good for you you will flush your testents and everything gets renewed what a thing but maybe I have to meditate more to get less hungry but then I do less but it is only three days three days maybe I get used to it maybe not but it is good for you. Everything that is hard wil be rewared also this.
But also Iám cold it is 21 degrees here and Iám cold, maybe it is because I dont have anything to burn. Well you know how to lose weight drink water and step into cold water and go outside in your summerjack in the winter you get it cold but if people in the southpole need to eat to stay warm maybe if you go outside in your summerjacket in the snow then you would lose weight also.

But this isn't about weightloss it is about don't eat for 3 days two times in a month to spare costs. you don't have to eat for 3 days so you dont have to cook and buy food for those day's. And it is good for you they say so I will see what comes from it. If I must go to the doctor for something I can allways say but I tried this hahaha. I should be healthy.

For more information about my waterfastening go to this post


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Here are the first and last post of the postchain.

Week 01.0

Week 05.5


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Thanks alot dear. Wish I could get your email. Mine's [email protected]