Joining #greenestthumb gathering! 12th NovembersteemCreated with Sketch.

in greenestthumb •  7 years ago 

Hi everyone!

So excited about this #greenthumb corner! I'm entering this week's gathering! Hope I'm still on time.

Check here their original post:

Olá a todos!

Estou entusiasmada com o cantinho #greenthumb! Estou a inscrever-me na reunião desta semana! Espero ainda ir a tempo.

Vejam aqui o post original:

Here I’ll show you some of my plants!

First of all, let me introduce you to my proudest moment! I’ve planted avocado and papaya from their seeds! :) It’s a shame I haven’t thought about taking pictures of the growing process since the seeds until they achieved this size but I’m proud of myself for being able to grow these two tropical plants!

Aqui vou-vos mostrar algumas das minhas plantas.

Em primeiro, deixei-me introduzir-vos ao meu momento mais orgulhoso! Plantei abacate e papaia a partir das sementes! :) É uma pena não ter fotografado o processo de crescimento desde as sementes até terem este tamanho mas estou orgulhosa de mim mesma por ter feito crescer estas duas plantas tropicais.

I’m not sure if they are going to thrive and give fruits but I’ll try my best! I think that Portugal has a great weather but it gets too cold during winter. I’ll have to find some homemade greenhouse to protect these two.

Não sei se vão vingar e dar frutos mas vou dar o meu melhor! Acho que Portugal tem um ótimo tempo mas faz muito frio durante o inverno. Vou ter que arranjar uma estufa caseira para proteger estas duas plantas.

Next to them I have passion fruit. I love everything about passion fruit, since the plant itself and how it finds a way to develop wherever it is, to the beautiful flowers and fruits. I have plenty of passion fruit plants but I’ve only picked two or three fruits so far… Probably because I’m growing them in vases. One day I’ll have some land to continue my cultures.

Ao lado, tenho uma maracujá. Adoro tudo numa planta de maracujás, desde a planta em si e como encontra formas de crescer onde quer que seja, às suas lindas flores e deliciosos frutos. Tenho bastantes plantas de maracujás mas só consegui ter dois ou três frutos até agora... Talvez por estarem a crescer em vasos. Um dia terei um pedacinho de terra para continuar as minhas culturas.

Some more passion fruit plants… And a bunch of other stuff: a rosebush, tiny chili peppers, fetus and, in that purple small container, a carrot top to see if I can grow a plant out of it.

Mais algumas maracujás... E uma série de outras coisas: uma roseira, pequenas malaguetas, fetos e, naquele potinho roxo tenho o topo de uma cenoura para ver se consigo que cresça alguma coisa.

Then, here we are some bulbs. As it’s autumn, it’s time for some bulbs to grow. I’ve planted gladioli, dahlias, lilies, daffodils, amarilis. Let’s see which ones will present me with flowers this year!

Agora aqui temos bolbos. Como estamos no outono, é tempo de os bolbos crescerem Plantei gladíolos, dálias, lírios, narcisos, amarílis. Vamos ver quais destes me irão presentear com flores este ano!

I love bulbs! This way of Nature telling us we can rebirth during the sad weather is inspiring and always brings me a smile on my face when I open my window during autumn mornings. And I also love the clean vases during the summer and the sudden green of the leaves at the beginning of autumn.

Adoro bolbos! Esta forma de a Natureza nos dizer que podemos renascer numa altura triste (como o tempo frio) é inspiradora e traz-me sempre um sorriso no rosto quando abro a minha janela nas manhãs de outono. E adoro também os vasos limpos no verão e o brotar de pequeninas folhas verdes no início do outono.

On my living room, I have some more plants. It was prettier some months ago, so I won’t show you how it is now. Only showing us the hyacinths :) Let’s hope we see some flowers from this!

Na minha sala de estar, tenho mais algumas plantas. Estava mais bonito há alguns meses atrás, então não vos vou mostrar como está agora. Vou só mostrar os jacintos :) Esperemos que vejamos flores também!

That's it for now! See you next time! | É tudo por agora! Vejo-vos numa próxima!

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Wow, that's amazing!
I've never planted avocado and papayas from seeds - I'll soon try and I hope to have the same great results as you. Make sure to protect them well during winter, as those plants are not used to cold winters, as you know.

This year I planted bulbs for the first time (saffron - I think they use it in the Portuguese kitchen too), so I understand your love for them and for their natural process that is so different from other plants and still so fascinating.

So, happy gardening and we'll see us soon in the next gathering! :-)

Thank you!! :) I really have to fix some homemade greenhouse...!

That is a beautiful garden that you have worked one. I really love your papaya's plants ( or trees not sure) Keep up the good work.

Thank you! :) I would really like to have papayas some day! But yes, the plant itself is already beautiful :)

That is for sure. I hope that you share some fruits with me when the harvest time comes. :D Have a great day!

Nice post....
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