Whales of Norway 🐋 | Photo by Achim Koepe

in greengoldmining •  7 years ago 

Alchemy Liquid Gold Coin© digital currency *AlchemyLGCoin©* utility token https://goo.gl/Jkz3u3 is live, listed & operates on the Waves – (DEX) open blockchain platform for Crowdfunding now 100% token bonus.

Support our Green, Sustainable and Profitable” #cyanidefreeprocessing and #mercuryfreeprocessing with #safelasermining #greengoldmining Community Initiatives starting with our Ecuador joint venture gold mine to encourage responsible development of Artisanal Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) operations with a clear commitment for present and future generations.

Thank You.

Be a part of the #GreenGoldMining Community Solution.

Instructions to participate: https://goo.gl/3LbtkW


ETH: 0x0a7C095B430742D96C723aFd5daE1Ef0F6ee3408
BTC: 3BXNxbMX63P9CM36L4Fi9UTa9Uw35gNsKz

[WHITE PAPER] https://goo.gl/pbVoFa
[REDDIT] https://goo.gl/1q5o6N
[TWITTER] https://twitter.com/AlchemistLgc
[OFFICIAL ICO SITE] https://alchemymininggroupinc.com

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