in greenhouseradio •  6 years ago 

We get by with a little help from our friends...
A good friend to steem and a true HELPER @bembelmaniac recently offered a spot to GHRO on a site that he uses to promote @HELPIE-CASTER with some merchandise. I feel bad for not having a better looking logo to share with him but perhaps we work on that. If you follow the link to his site you can use the codes I have left below for even nicer prices.

8RVTR-HK2WQ-LFTN8 10 % ja
9Y87L-LS5LG-JDVYN 10 % ja
APF89-D32WC-MU2T2 10 % ja

I have shared 4 of 5 10 percent off codes. I am gonna be selfish and keep one in hopes I buy a shirt or 2.
Thank You again Bembel for all that you do. Check out his site for all things HELPIE CASTER and more.


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as you ever said ... GROW WITH GHRO .. ALL together are able to change this world... smile often the small steps are this ones which move us a big one forward

THIS WEEK is SUMMER SALE so go and grab 15% till Friday

Muy lindas prendas para lucirlas, lastima que en Venezuela @greenhouseradio por el clima no sean las mejores prendas para vestirse. Saludos y la más que me gustó es la chaqueta negra con las mangas blancas