Flat Earth

in greenroute62 •  7 years ago 


Being a man of strong faith, I encountered FE, having come from scriptural background, I noted that scripture indeed supports a flat earth, and as such it was relatively easy for me to accept this reality. After personally witnessing just how simple it was to disprove a globe shaped, I came to the conclusion that debunking the globe was a little too easy for my liking, and I set out to discover all I could find in relation to FE due to my burning suspicion. With much digging, I discovered that the earth is encompassed within an electromagnetic torus field, a toroid. I investigated vortex mathematics, and readily noted the positional number progression with respect to this toroid. I noted how the number position progression appeared to revolve around and through this toroid, and I then considered the progression of time, represented by the number positional progression, and realized that the passage of time itself, second by second, actually keeps the toroid, and torus field in a continuous state of flux continually moving forward with the passage of time. Throughout this time, I also discovered that electromagnetism offers a plausible explanation for tides via electromagnetic repulsion. I further discovered that electromagnetism also offers a plausible explanation for the borealis, as electromagnetism is known to have the ability to bend light. I further discovered that electromagnetism, in conjunction with mass, density, bouyancy, and medium resistance totally dismisses the fallacy of the unproven theory of gravity. Having also studied the human body. I discovered that the human brain emits an electromagnetic field, but more astounding was the fact that the human heart emits an electromagnetic field approximately a thousand times larger than the brain, and this field encompasses the human body within this electromagnetic torus field, or toroid also. When considering the toroid field encompassing the earth, and the electromagnetic toroid field encompassing the human body, and could readily envision how these electromagnetic toroids could possibly interact with each other. This piqued my interest, as I had previously stumbled onto Gregg Braden, a scientist, was investigating how the electromagnetic toroid field of the body actually interacts with the toroid field encompassing earth. I would highly recommend viewing his videos titled "Divine Matrix", especially the very lengthy presentation Gregg gave in Milan, Italy, as this particular video walks us through the science that supports the ability of these toroid fields interacting with one another, and ending with demonstrations of how this phenomena actually works. Gregg shows how this "language spoken by the heart", emotion, is the key to this interaction, and shows how we collectively actually influence our reality, our environment. For those who would dispute a biblical foundation for this, I would advise reviewing "The Lost Gospel of Thomas".
Having a fair grasp of all of this, I stumbled onto an interesting pic of earth recently, apparently taken at a point in the past prior to the advent of Nasa. Upon viewing this picture, it was relatively easy to see how the earth's electromagnetic toroid would work perfectly with this model.
I still believe in a relatively flat earth, but in the configuration of a toroid, a donut shape, much like a monopole disk magnet.
At this point, I took my findings back to the scriptures, specifically Job 26:7, which I have cited many translations below.

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If you ask someone to prove the earth is round without them using videos, books, pictures, anything second hand that is not from them. They can't.

Plus, I can't see how the tower of babbel would have been even possible on a globe earth. The bible said they would have succeeded if He didn't change their language.