Four deaths were caused by the collapse of the scaffolding frame on a Chengdu subway construction site

in grid •  3 years ago 

Chengdu Rail Transit Group Co., Ltd. official Weibo "Chengdu Metro" announced that when the construction of the North Road Station of the second phase of Chengdu Rail Transit Line 17 was erected on the ground, some of the shed grids collapsed. The accident caused 18 people to be injured, 4 of them died after the rescue failed, and 14 people are receiving treatment in the hospital.

On the evening of the 10th, Mr. Zhang, a family member of the victims, told the Beijing News that the public security department and government staff are currently working on the aftermath of the
One of the victims was a 27-year-old male, family members: doing "point work" on the construction site

Mr. Zhang's cousin was one of the four victims in the accident. He was only 27 years old and was working on the ground at the construction site. Mr. Zhang told the Beijing News that after the accident occurred at two o'clock in the afternoon, more than a dozen injured people were sent to the Chengdu Sixth People's Hospital near the construction site.

Mr. Zhang said that on the day of the incident, his cousin and uncle went to work at the site of the incident. Currently, my uncle has a broken arm and injured his lumbar spine. He has been transferred to West China Hospital for further treatment. A cousin's coworker was also seriously injured, underwent surgery, and is being treated in the intensive care unit. Mr. Zhang said that not long before the incident, his cousin had just made a girlfriend and wanted to save more money to get married.

According to Mr. Zhang, his cousin, uncle and father do "point jobs" at various construction sites all year round, and settle their wages on a daily basis. Working 8 hours a day can earn about a few hundred yuan. The workers will sign an agreement with the construction party, with wages and so on.

From the live video provided by the workers, Mr. Zhang saw that after the accident, the safety belt on his cousin was still stuck on the steel frame and the safety helmet fell off. According to his understanding, the cause of the accident may be that the steel frame was not welded firmly, which led to the collapse.

At about 4 pm on the 10th, Mr. Zhang rushed to the hospital after seeing the information of his family. Public security department and government staff have also arrived at the hospital to appease the family members of the accident.

On the subway that went to work on the morning of the 10th, Mr. Zhang also received a message from his cousin, saying: "You have a day off on Saturday. Let's go have a hot pot." Mr. Zhang agreed. He said that he had owed his cousin for this hot pot for a month, and he never expected that he would never serve it again. "I really can't accept it. I still think he is on a business trip and will be back in a few days."

Witness: The highest point of the shelf is thirty or forty stories high, or a passerby may be injured

It is understood that the accident occurred near the Shahe campus of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. Many nearby residents and businesses said that they heard a loud noise around two o'clock. After that, the sound of fire trucks and ambulances was heard for several hours.

Ms. Zhang’s son is a student at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. Since the beginning of school, she lives in the Hotel of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China about ten meters away from the site of the incident. On the afternoon of the 10th, she happened to ride a bicycle by the construction trail about 2 meters wide beside the site where she accidentally fell. Before I stood up, I heard the loud "bang" sound, and the shelf on the construction site more than ten meters away collapsed, and pieces of building materials fell down. ️

Ms. Zhang saw at the scene that workers ran out at the time of the incident. Soon after, three or four fire trucks and five or six ambulances arrived at the scene for rescue.

Ms. Zhang said that the highest shelf on the construction site is thirty or forty stories high. There are steel protective fences on both sides of the construction trail nearby, and people usually pass by. When she passed the construction trail in the afternoon, she saw several workers working at a height of about two stories. The standing place was only about 50 cm in diameter and did not wear a safety belt.

Another witness, Ms. Yang, said that at about two o'clock in the afternoon, she drove past Jianshe North Road near the construction site. At that time, the construction road had been closed. She saw a woman who was bleeding from her wrist was being helped and walked over. There were large blood stains on her pants. The person next to her helped stop the bleeding by pinching her wrist. Ms. Yang heard a female worker say that "the front wall is broken." According to Ms. Yang, the injured did not wear orange overalls and looked like passersby. It may be due to minor injuries, so he came out and waited for rescue.

The accident caused 4 deaths and 14 injured

At 7:54 pm on the 10th, the official Weibo "Chengdu Metro" of Chengdu Rail Transit Group Co., Ltd. announced that at 14:01 on September 10, 2021, China Railway Construction Co., Ltd. and China Railway Eleventh Bureau Group Co., Ltd. When the construction of the North Road Station of the second phase of the Chengdu Rail Transit Line 17 project built by the consortium built ground dust-proof and noise-reducing sheds, some of the shed grids collapsed. The accident caused 18 people to be injured, 4 of them died after the rescue failed, and 14 people are receiving treatment in the hospital.

After the accident, Chengdu Railway Group immediately activated the emergency plan, and carried out rescue and after-care work with relevant departments such as emergency, health, housing and construction and construction units as soon as possible. The cause of the accident is under full investigation.

At 1:01 on the 11th, the "Chengdu Metro" announced again that the injured in the accident are currently in stable condition. As of 22:00 on the 10th, 8 of the 14 injured were treated at the West China Hospital of Sichuan University, and 6 at the Sichuan Provincial Construction Hospital. Among them, 13 are in stable condition and are not life-threatening, and 1 is under close observation after the operation. China Railway Construction Co., Ltd., China Railway 11th Bureau Group Co., Ltd. Consortium and Chengdu Railway Group are coordinating relevant medical and security units to ensure medical treatment for the injured.

A reporter from the Beijing News found that the second phase of the Chengdu Rail Transit Line 17 project is located in Shuangliu District, Wuhou District, Qingyang District, Jinniu District and Chenghua District in Chengdu. The line is about 24.8km long and is an underground line. The total construction period is planned to be 5 years (civil engineering starts to trial operation), and it is planned to start construction in October 2019 and complete operation in October 2024.

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