RE: Why I am Very Disappointed by the Upcoming V8 Removal of the Magnitude Component of the Gridcoin Staking Weight

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Why I am Very Disappointed by the Upcoming V8 Removal of the Magnitude Component of the Gridcoin Staking Weight

in gridcoin •  8 years ago  (edited)

I don't see how your post relates to the programming/running of a gridcoin pool? Did you reply to the wrong comment?

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cm-steem : The current solution to improving staking frequency is to acquire more GRC (they're still undervalued at the moment, imo).

Worded differently, that means, "They're cheap atm, buy now". That involves throwing money at the problem to fix the issue on an individual basis, not fixing the problem itself persay.

I think what we are seeing is the sometimes odd ordering of comments, they are in one place at posting, someone votes on it and it can be moved in position, sort of placing it out of a topically logical order.