RE: Why I am Very Disappointed by the Upcoming V8 Removal of the Magnitude Component of the Gridcoin Staking Weight

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Why I am Very Disappointed by the Upcoming V8 Removal of the Magnitude Component of the Gridcoin Staking Weight

in gridcoin •  8 years ago 

While the pool is 'open source' it is VERY hard to get running and there is a lot of work left to do until someone can set it up without help from Bgb. Darthur went through the process and it took him days and a lot of Bgb's input, even though he has decades of experience under his belt with programming.

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Projects usually last longer than a few days to reach a production state, especially experimental/beta software. As more people work on the pool, it'll get better & easier to run a new one.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Fair point, maybe expecting near plug-and-play functionality is too high a goal.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

For the short term, yes it's too high a goal. Anyone interested in running a pool needs to get their hands dirty & not expect a production level pool kit.

I am sorry if this sounds....bad tempered, please don't take it that way. I stated in the forum that you should shut off crunching in the short term, mine something profitable, buy GRC to achieve a higher balance and then continue on. I was, debated on that statement. Now I see that statement is, effectively being repeated and this back and forth is making me nutso.

It is very easy to say to someone, to make more "money" you have to spend more "money", we've all heard that and some of us can not, will not, don't want to hear how easy it is to fix with money, the problem.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I don't see how your post relates to the programming/running of a gridcoin pool? Did you reply to the wrong comment?

cm-steem : The current solution to improving staking frequency is to acquire more GRC (they're still undervalued at the moment, imo).

Worded differently, that means, "They're cheap atm, buy now". That involves throwing money at the problem to fix the issue on an individual basis, not fixing the problem itself persay.

I think what we are seeing is the sometimes odd ordering of comments, they are in one place at posting, someone votes on it and it can be moved in position, sort of placing it out of a topically logical order.