RE: Why I am Very Disappointed by the Upcoming V8 Removal of the Magnitude Component of the Gridcoin Staking Weight

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Why I am Very Disappointed by the Upcoming V8 Removal of the Magnitude Component of the Gridcoin Staking Weight

in gridcoin •  8 years ago  (edited)

No one can make that prediction, that is correct, I stated as much saying that we would never know.

I put quotation marks around fix, because of the points we disagree on that is is indeed a fix, nothing more.

Let's not be argumentative, but agree to disagree there. That would also explain my "foxes guarding the henhouse" comment earlier, as Brod initiated the exploit, and is credited with fixing or "fixing" it afterward.

How I choose to comment is entirely my own doing, if you wish to judge whether it is relevant to the discussion or not, by all means, do so, but I am honestly going to say detante whether you wish it or not and take some good advice I recently received and not fall any farther down this rabbit hole.

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