Gridcoin poll: Impact to GRC price if team requirement is lifted? (vote until July 25)

in gridcoin •  8 years ago 

Until 25th July, 2017 Gridcoin users can vote in this poll: 

 Impact Of Lifting Team Requirement

Results so far, on:  

You can see other ongoing polls here:   

Further info:  

You can vote like this: 

1. Windows users:

  • If your wallet is encrypted, fully unlock the wallet (not just for 'staking only').
  • Click "Advanced", then click "Voting" to launch the voting menu.
  • Right-click on "Impact Of Lifting Team Requirement"
  • Click "vote".
  • You have as options: 

- GRC Will Reach 4,000 Sats Or ~$0.12 USD

- GRC Will Reach 8,000 Sats Or ~$0.24 USD

- GRC Will Reach Or Exceed 10,000 Sats Or ~$0.30 USD

- I Don't Expect Removing The Team Requirement To Have Any Material Impact On GRC Price

2. Linux users (QT Wallet/daemon): 

a. via UI:  

  • go to menu Advanced > Voting

b. in terminal:  

  • Fully unlock your wallet.
  • Navigate to the Debug Console (Help - Debug Window - Console (tab) )
  • You have as options: Approve or Deny
  • Enter one of the following commands:

** e.g. vote with "GRC Will Reach 4,000 Sats Or ~$0.12 USD" like this: execute vote Impact_of_Lifting_Team_Requirement GRC_will_reach_4,000_Sats_or_~$0.12_USD

** e.g. vote with "GRC Will Reach 8,000 Sats Or ~$0.24 USD" like this: execute vote Impact_of_Lifting_Team_Requirement GRC_will_reach_8,000_Sats_or_~$0.24_USD

** e.g. vote with "GRC Will Reach Or Exceed 10,000 Sats Or ~$0.30 USD" like this: execute vote Impact_of_Lifting_Team_Requirement GRC_will_reach_or_exceed_10,000_Sats_or_~$0.30_USD

** e.g. vote with "I Don't Expect Removing The Team Requirement To Have Any Material Impact On GRC Price" like this: execute vote Impact_of_Lifting_Team_Requirement I_don't_expect_removing_the_team_requirement_to_have_any_material_impact_on_GRC_price

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What do you mean team requirement sorry still newb to gridcoin.

also you know where to get discord or slack invite need some advice on best set up

It will display an error message, but you still should get the invite via mail and be able to join.

ok thanks

and as i replyed before that is not a slack invite

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

To get Gridcoins for your BOINC work you MUST be in team Gridcoin

  • "team requirement removal" means that this condition would NOT apply anymore in the future (after being implemented in the code AND voted on by the community)

see above link to the bounty with further info (links + audio session)