Windows users: help the Gridcoin network to make a new superblock (waiting for >7 days)

in gridcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)
  • situation
  • why is a superblock important ?

It has been >170h (>>7 days) since we had our last superblock :-(

  • a new Gridcoin version was released about 8h ago to fix this situation. 
  • Windows users: please install and run it

Average birth time of the superblocks:

  • when this SB finally arrives: it will be the 5th superblock where we had consecutively >40h birth time for 2 weeks (August 29)
  • since June 20 the average birth time is 45h (median = 31h)
  • since Aug 26: 60h avg, 43h median

Our longest superblock birth times in recent times were:

  • 186h (July 27)
  • 148h (June 27)

Why is a superblock important ?

A superblock is a combination of: 

  1. registering CPIDs of new users (so they can get GRC for their BOINC work). 
  2. processing the BOINC stats for the day (e.g. it adapts each user's new !magnitude, so the reward distribution stays fair)

e.g. a normal block "just" processes the transactions that have occurred in the network.

Why is this new SB also important ?

That there is "less outcry" currently may be in this:

  • personal gain vs. healthy network: the longer the current superblock holds, users still get the 35% mag boost

The only option currently to get rewarded for new users for their BOINC work is:

A pool helps newcomers, but has also disadvantages (losing your rights (voting), centralization, monetary aspects (fee, giving free credit to pool owner, project rain is distributed?), ...), read more here

So, let's hope for a fast SB now with this new

but keep in mind: 

  • it requires users actually to update, and this is for us somewhat a "hard task"

see: important info to be displayed in the wallet (since August 2016 open)

Would you like to give a bounty for this feature/issue ?

Erkan (find me on IRC and twitter)

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

after >177h the SB came (the new Gridcoin version was out now for about 15h):

Got Windows wallet installed directly after V8 and running 24/7 with it. Iam sorry that I can not do more. Do I need to tinker with the configuration? Because I currently iam only having 8 connections to gridcoin network ...

You need as it's the only one capable of producing a superblock after the mag boost removal.

Neither increasing connection or enabling listen, nor deleting the peers file (that is actually harmful) will increase your chances to make a superblock/block.
And sadly, there are no benefits to you in running "full node", but it can help the network a bit.

Thanks for clarifying.

  • you can allow via command line more connections (e.g. -maxconnections),
  • or you could run a full node (see fedi: !listen)

Try deleting the peers file.

What benefit do you get for increasing connections?

Are there any disadvantages? increased bandwidth usage, less secure etc?

Updated my wallet.

I'm waiting on the latest SB to arrive since I split some hosts that were into the pool to solo for the voting rights.

Too bad I missed the mag boost :) but there are worse things in life.

Yeah, "bad luck", the +35% mag boost is ongoing since 46 days now (6 days of it actually due to the buggy SB)

You are actually not missing anything. The mag boost's removal was met with a near instant rise of the dynamic mag_unit from 0.175 to 0.25, which defines your daily mint per unit of mag. The end result is that your payout for research is actually higher than it was before the superblock.

Yeah I noticed that too in the pool calculations.

Note, this update is not mandatory and is not forking. But thank you, the 55% stake, who updated, as we now have a new superblock.

Will upgrade the wallet when I'am back home from work

Thank you for this post.
Can't wait anymore for the next superblock. : )