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in gridcoin •  7 years ago 

Agreed, purple stands out far better and is underused. The spiritual relation could be linked with solving real problems humanity is facing rather than arbitrary complex problems like some coins :)

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@j00lz - very true! Gridcoin does turn the 'waste of power' criticism of crypto on its head, so linking in a colour with strong spiritual and humanitarian links is a good shout :)

@joshoeah you seem quite into Gridcoin, I need to learn up more.

@mattbadura I remember joining SETI with my little Win98 machine back in 1999- that would've been the first time I heard about donating your computer power to distributed computing! It's always been a very appealing idea, so BOINC and then Gridcoin were a natural progression of that over the years :)

That's interesting man. I remember something similar, about sharing computing power for a distributed processing for some science project, quite similar to what you said. I have no idea what it was called and it wasn't explained very well so after a few days I just kinda turned it off and never revisited. I finally just started my venture into cryptos. Good luck