VBA Excel Script for fetching GRC prices

in gridcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hi there,

I was a bit bored today, so I wrote simple script helping me to calculate prices of Gridcoin in USD and PLN in Excel.

Basically I keep track cryptos I own and haven't sold yet. I tested this script in Excel 2016, I have no idea if this will work in Libre/Open Office. Data is fetched from CoinMarketCap from their HTTP API, making a HTTP GET request. By that I'm receiving a JSON string which is parsed by external VBA script, which is there on GitHub licenced on MIT. Then I'm just extracting data from the JSON (parsed object is an array of dictionaries, VBA indexes arrays from "1") and write them to designated cells.
If you want to change fetched crypto then change "gridcoin" in the CoinMarketCapUrl variable to any other crypto like dogecoin or steem (it might be case sensitive, didn't check that)
Feel free to use this script in your workseets.


Sub GetData()

Const CoinMarketCapUrl As String = "https://api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/ticker/gridcoin/?convert=PLN"

Dim request As Object
Dim result As String
Dim json As Object
Dim usd As String
Dim pln As String

Set request = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")

usd = " "
pln = " "

With request
    .Open "GET", CoinMarketCapUrl, True
End With

result = request.ResponseText

Set json = JsonConverter.ParseJson(result)

usd = json(1)("price_usd")

pln = json(1)("price_pln")

Range("L2").Value = usd

Range("N2").Value = pln

End Sub

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