Here is insructions to install grcpool clone from github:
You need:
- Apache2
- php 7
- phpmyadmin
- Composer
- Gridcoin research
- domain. For this sample it will be ''
- Enough amount GRC for solo mining
- certbot for obtaining HTTPS certificate
Getting started
Install apache2, mysql, php. Setup instructions can be easily found in internet.
You shoud have GUI and CLI for next steps.
Install BOINC:
sudo apt-get install boinc-manager
Register on some BOINC whitelisted projects with single mail and single username. Let username be testphppool and mail [email protected]. It is not necessary to register on every project, only those you want for your pool. Join Gridcoin team for each account. Start contributing to all projects. Wait until all CPIDs are match for all projects.
BOINC crypt_prog
Install software for compilation, download BOINC sources and compile:
sudo apt-get install make g++ m4 pkg-config dh-autoreconf libssl-dev
git clone
cd boinc
./configure --disable-manager --disable-server --disable-client
cd tools
make -f makefile_sign_executable
Then generate keys:
./crypt_prog -genkey 1024 private_keyfile public_keyfile
Save public_keyfile somewhere. It will used later.
Then sign URL for each project:
./crypt_prog -sign_string "URL" private_keyfile
For projects URL see 'projects' command in Gridcoin Research below. Save result somewhere for each URL. It will be used later.
Gridcoin Research
Install the gridcoin research client:
sudo apt-get install gridcoinresearchd gridcoinresearch-qt
Check where gridcoinresearchd located, thet path will be used later
which gridcoinresearchd
Start gridcoin research wallet, wait until it syncs. Fill with coins, send beacon:
gridcoinresearchd advertisebeacon
Check that your wallet is staking.
In settings set Gridcoin Research autostart during system start up.
Then execute
gridcoinresearchd projects
That information will be required later.
Also you need add group access permissions to your gridcoinresearch.conf
chmod 660 ~/.GridcoinResearch/gridcoinresearch.conf
sudo usermod -G www-data `whoami`
Restart apache2 to apply group change
service apache2 restart
I recommend to install phpmyadmin, because PHP-Pool has no web interface for administration:
sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin
After install move phpmyadmin from default folder to another:
nano /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/phpmyadmin.conf
Change string
Alias /phpmyadmin /usr/share/phpmyadmin
To something else:
Alias /dsnjkdvpefme /usr/share/phpmyadmin
Then restart apache
sudo service apache2 reload
Then go to your site/dsnjkdvpefme folder and log in to phpmyadmin with your root login and password. Go to "User accounts" tab, click "Add user accoount" with name testphppool, random password, and check "Create database with same name and grant all privileges.". Record password somewhere, then click Go.
Then go to your new database ("testphppool" on the right), click "SQL" on the top.
Get tables creation query from the
Then replace string 217 from
CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `view_all_orphans` AS select `grcpool`.`member_host_credit`.`id` AS `id`,`grcpool`.`member_host_credit`.`hostDbid` AS `hostDbid`,`grcpool`.`member_host_credit`.`hostCpid` AS `hostCpid`,`grcpool`.`member_host_credit`.`totalCredit` AS `totalCredit`,`grcpool`.`member_host_credit`.`avgCredit` AS `avgCredit`,`grcpool`.`member_host_credit`.`accountId` AS `accountId`,`grcpool`.`member_host_credit`.`lastSeen` AS `lastSeen`,`grcpool`.`member_host_credit`.`mag` AS `mag`,`grcpool`.`member_host_credit`.`magTotalCredit` AS `magTotalCredit`,`grcpool`.`member_host_credit`.`owed` AS `owed`,`grcpool`.`member_host_credit`.`owedCalc` AS `owedCalc`,`grcpool`.`member_host_credit`.`memberIdPayout` AS `memberIdPayout`,`grcpool`.`member_host_credit`.`memberIdCredit` AS `memberIdCredit` from `grcpool`.`member_host_credit` where ((not((`grcpool`.`member_host_credit`.`hostDbid`,`grcpool`.`member_host_credit`.`accountId`) in (select `grcpool`.`member_host_project`.`hostDbid`,`grcpool`.`member_host_project`.`accountId` from `grcpool`.`member_host_project`))) and (`grcpool`.`member_host_credit`.`owed` > 0)) order by `grcpool`.`member_host_credit`.`owed` desc ;
CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `view_all_orphans` AS select `member_host_credit`.`id` AS `id`,`member_host_credit`.`hostDbid` AS `hostDbid`,`member_host_credit`.`hostCpid` AS `hostCpid`,`member_host_credit`.`totalCredit` AS `totalCredit`,`member_host_credit`.`avgCredit` AS `avgCredit`,`member_host_credit`.`accountId` AS `accountId`,`member_host_credit`.`lastSeen` AS `lastSeen`,`member_host_credit`.`mag` AS `mag`,`member_host_credit`.`magTotalCredit` AS `magTotalCredit`,`member_host_credit`.`owed` AS `owed`,`member_host_credit`.`owedCalc` AS `owedCalc`,`member_host_credit`.`memberIdPayout` AS `memberIdPayout`,`member_host_credit`.`memberIdCredit` AS `memberIdCredit` from `member_host_credit` where ((not((`member_host_credit`.`hostDbid`,`member_host_credit`.`accountId`) in (select `member_host_project`.`hostDbid`,`member_host_project`.`accountId` from `member_host_project`))) and (`member_host_credit`.`owed` > 0)) order by `member_host_credit`.`owed` desc ;
Then click Go.
Then execute another query (insert your CPID, seed, and hot wallet address):
INSERT INTO `settings` (`theName`,`theValue`) VALUES ('TOTAL_PAID_OUT', '0'),
('CPID', 'Your BOINC CPID'),
('MIN_OWE_AMOUNT', '1'),
('PAYOUT_FEE', '0.005'),
('SEED', 'you should se this to how much GRC you start with staking'),
('GRC_CLIENT_MESSAGE', 'empty string'),
('HOT_WALLET_ADDRESS', 'your pool wallet'),
Then your should fill data for each project to tables boinc_account, boinc_account_key, boinc_account_url:
To boinc_account:
- id - unique serial number for this project
- name - project name for pool stats page (users see that name)
- auto - 1
- urlId - unique serial number for this project (same as id)
- whiteList - 1
- rac - 0
- baseUrl - project URL
- teamId - gridcoin team id, you can find this in URL when viewing Gridcoin team (like teamid=2069 for NumberFields)
- attachable - 1
- message - blank
- grcname - lowercase project name from 'gridcoinresearchd projects' command
- lastSeen - blank
- secure - 1 if project uses https
- minRac - 0
- android - 1 if project has workunits for android, 0 otherwise
- raspberryPi - 1 if project has workunits for raspberry pi, 0 otherwise
- linux - 1 if project has workunits for linux, 0 otherwise
- windows - 1 if project has workunits for windows, 0 otherwisev (suggestion: 1 for all project)
- virtualBox - 1 if project uses VirtualBox, 0 otherwise
- intel - 1 if project has workunits for intel GPU, 0 otherwise
- amd - 1 if project has workunits for AMD/ATI, 0 otherwise
- nvidia - 1 if project has workunits for Nvidia GPU, 0 otherwise
- mac - 1 if project has workunits for Mac OS, 0 otherwise
To boinc_account_key
- id - unique serial number for this project (same as id from boinc_account table)
- accountId - unique serial number for this project (same as id from boinc_account table)
- strong - account key from BOINC project. You can see it in your BOINC account
- weak - weak account key from BOINC project. You can see it in your BOINC account
- attachable - 1
To boinc_account_url
- id - unique serial number for this project (same as id from boinc_account table)
- accountId - unique serial number for this project (same as id from boinc_account table)
- url - project URL
- signature - use BOINC crypt_prog for generate signature for URL
I will add only one project - Number Fields.
Google recaptcha
Go to
Enter name, your domain name, accept agreement, click 'register'. Write key and private key somewhere.
Email service
Register on the
Write CNAME and TXT records for your domain.
Add API key in
Write your login, password, server, API key and port somewhere.
Pool software
Download pool software to your folder. For sample it will be '/var/www/testphppool'
cd /var/www/testphppool
git clone
cd PHP-Pool/composer
composer install
cd ..
chown -R www-data *
Then fix gridcoin commands in classes/core/GridcoinDaemon.php
nano classes/core/GridcoinDaemon.php
Remove 'list ' from strings 78, 80, remove 'execute ' from line 102
Change line 104 from
$data = $data[1];
//$data = $data[1];
Then edit PHP-Pool configuration files:
nano sample.props.json
Set databaseUser, databasePassword, emailServer, emailPort, emailSslPort, emailUsername, emailPassword, googleCaptchaPublic, googleCaptchaPrivate.
Set cacheDir to /tmp
Set path to your gridcoinresearchd path (see 'which gridcoinresearchd' command)
Set datadir to '/home/[USERNAME]/.GridcoinResearch' where [USERNAME] is your username.
Leave testnet false.
Set also attributes emailKey and emailRest near other email attributes (see email section above):
"emailKey" : "api-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"emailRest" : "",
Create XML logs directory:
mkdir /var/log/testphppoologs
chown www-data /var/log/testphppoologs
Then edit second settings file:
nano classes/core/Constants.php
Set these constants
const DATABASE_NAME = 'testphppool';
const BOINC_XML_LOG_DIR = '/var/log/testphppoologs';
const BOINC_POOL_NAME = 'testphppool';
const POOL_DOMAIN = '';
const ADMIN_EMAIL_ADDRESS = '[email protected]';
const PROPERTY_FILE = '/var/www/testphppool/PHP-Pool/sample.props.json';
const PAYOUT_LOCK_FILE = '/var/www/testphppool/PHP-Pool/tasks/payout.lock';
And URL_SIGNING_KEY to your public_keyfile content (see BOINC crypt_prog section)
Add cron jobs
Add cron jobs to /etc/crontab
# 15 minutes
*/15 * * * * www-data php /var/www/testphppool/PHP-Pool/tasks/_15minute/getSuperblockAge.php
# Hourly
5 * * * * www-data php /var/www/testphppool/PHP-Pool/tasks/_hourly/01_sessionCleanup.php
15 * * * * www-data php /var/www/testphppool/PHP-Pool/tasks/_hourly/02_updateOwed.php
25 * * * * www-data php /var/www/testphppool/PHP-Pool/tasks/_hourly/03_getProjectCredit.php
# Daily
35 1 * * * www-data php /var/www/testphppool/PHP-Pool/tasks/_daily/01_doPayout.php
35 2 * * * www-data php /var/www/testphppool/PHP-Pool/tasks/_daily/02_getPoolStats.php
# Weekly
40 2 * * 7 www-data php /var/www/testphppool/PHP-Pool/tasks/_weekly/doPayoutOrphans.php
Wait 5 hours and check that projects are whitelisted and available for attach.
Apache site config
Make apache2 site config file
sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/testphppool.conf
With content
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www/testphppool/PHP-Pool/public
Alias /assets /var/www/testphppool/PHP-Pool/assets
ErrorLog "/var/log/apache2/testphppool.error.log"
CustomLog "/var/log/apache2/testphppool.log" common
RewriteEngine off
<Location />
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -s [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule ^.*$ - [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^.*$ /index.php [NC,L]
Then enable site and reload apache
sudo a2ensite testphppool
service apache2 reload
Then install certificate using certbot:
sudo certbot --apache
You should set redirect to HTTPS, because otherwise you can not log in.
Check user interface
Do not use as pool, it just a sample
Register, check email validation (see in spam folder too, because I used fake 'from' address), set GRC address, attach pool to your BOINC. Then try to reach payout. If payout works too, then all correct - congratulations!
Do not use as pool, it just a sample
In gridcoin research v3.7.15.0 something wrong with "gettransaction" for superblocks, thus pool cannot receive whitelisted projects list using superblock info. You can fix this manually in classes/core/GridcoinDaemon.php, replace:
public function getWhitelistedProjects($block = '') {
if ($block == '') {
$data = $this->getSuperBlockAge();
$block = $data['block'];
if ($block == '') return;
$blockHash = $this->getBlockHash($block);
if ($blockHash == '') return;
$blockData = $this->getBlock($blockHash);
if ($blockData['IsSuperBlock'] == '') return;
$txHash = $blockData['tx'][0];
$txJson = $this->executeDaemon('gettransaction '.$txHash);
$txJson = $this->utf8ize($txJson);
$tx = json_decode($txJson,true);
$hashBoinc = $tx['hashboinc'];
$thisMatchArray = null;
preg_match_all("/<(?'Key'[a-zA-Z].*?)>(?'Value'.*?)<\/.*?>/m", $hashBoinc, $thisMatch);
for($c=0;$c < count($thisMatch['Key']);$c++) {
if($thisMatch['Key'][$c] == "|") {
$thisMatchArray[$thisMatch['Key'][$c]][] = addslashes($thisMatch['Value'][$c]);
} else {
$thisMatchArray[$thisMatch['Key'][$c]] = addslashes($thisMatch['Value'][$c]);
preg_match_all("/(?'Project'.*?),(?'TotalRAC'.*?);/m", $thisMatchArray['AVERAGES'], $thisMatchProjects);
$projects = $thisMatchProjects['Project'];
return $projects;
public function getWhitelistedProjects($block = '') {
$txJson = $this->executeDaemon('projects');
$projectsInfo = json_decode($txJson,true);
for($c=0;$c < count($projectsInfo);$c++) {
return $projects;
I think it should work without that update in next release.
Thanks for @bgb for tips.
Thank you for writing this guide! This will help to get some more pools out there.
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
Awesome. About damn time someone did a " how-to" finish the grcpool install so others whom are not programmers do not have to dig threw the code to figure out " ok whats the other 10% " I am sorry but it will not let me upvote. I am anti pool , yes I know you run a pool but if there was a payout for releasing one to the public it should have been full.. You are un-related to grcpool and run your own .ru pool and should not have had to do this for BGB but I thank you. I might stop crunching and just run a pool F it. Thank you for your time , i see you translating things too and helping and I do not know if you have been told directly , but your services and help is greatly appreciated.
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
It doesn't matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons: