RE: Building a cheap and second hand FP64 Monster -- Gridcoin

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Building a cheap and second hand FP64 Monster -- Gridcoin

in gridcoin •  8 years ago 

This article by @dutch is also a highly recommended read on the topic:

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absolutely, the only bad thing is that i did not read this before ! Thanks for making us all aware, there is such masses of information that it is really hard to keep an overview.
And yes this article is absolutely quality work just as expected from @dutch

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Thanks guys, and a good read @Jedigeiss! If I had more spare time on my hands I would love to do a build like this.

Those 7990s that you are having trouble finding are probably hoarded into @Vortac's closets. =)

This could be the reason @dutch :) this card was a monster carrying two GPU chips and cost something like 1200 euro... I don't think that they build many of that design... But nevertheless I really would like to get my hands on one of those:)

I've been trying to build this kind of rig following vortac's earlier articles. I hope you have better fortune that I with secondhand parts--ATM I can only get a single GPU to run at a time (even on a dedicated mining board--can you have 8+ bad GPU risers?), Win10 cuts off the Wifi at random intervals, and just today the old HDD I was running things from has decided to crash its heads together and quit.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment