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Thats why I picked it!! I got that guy featured on the science-trail page, I like your style!! If in like a week or two you put something like that on grid coin il resteem it on science-trail and get it in the newsletter :)

alright thanks!! I will be keeping an eye out for your content though :)

But the fact is I am not a scientist and @dutch is, so expect higher-quality science articles from him :)

Gridcoin community grows every day.

yeah that's a good one, by the way how long did you wait for your coins, I'm setup on two projects, mined for lets say a day out of two, the gridcoin is synced but I haven't been getting anything, how many tasks approximately should be completed. Also how much does a RAC compare to the "Work done" in the BOINC

Are you solo or pool mining? If pool-mining, which pool? If solo, which CPID?

RAC=Average work done per day