I was originally Very skeptical of what benefit there is in finding some silly thing in a computer game, then I listened to https://www.gridcoin.science/episode/incentivizing-minecrafthome and decided to make these slides...
I don’t play minecraft nor understand the internals of it, so it’s very likely I got some ideas wrong, but
by viewing the game as a pseudo physics simulation system, we can find interesting patterns faster (in cpu time) than we can in the real physical world (in years time), and that is discovery and science with computation
quote from a self-prescribed “simulationist”
Also, according to https://tubularlabs.com/blog/minecraft-youtube-videos/ minecraft pulls in 45.1B views in 2018 alone and players can crunch data while they are not playing the game
Let me know if there is any other interesting applications or research topics in this direction
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P.S. here is link to original slides https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1N99O5SfPuRogtMJN2VS88HYO-ZG-jYXWr3HTG9jVDno/edit?usp=sharing
@Gunde if you can see this, what do you think?