Understanding grooming using the case study of Babi Christina Engelhardt, one of the underage prey of Woody Allen

in grooming •  6 years ago  (edited)

Must Read : https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/features/woody-allens-secret-teen-lover-manhattan-muse-speaks-1169782

Knowledge is the ultimate power, and to those understanding the enemies better than themselves open the path of victory and eternal defeat for them.

Practicals :

  1. Fitting in a social setting, where you and your wife belongs.
  2. Preventing early rapes, meaning common defense, strategic thinking and street smart / awareness.
  3. The "girl friend" gateway.

Short summary : Babi Christina Engelhardt was raped before meeting Woody Allen. Then at 16 she engaged him, becoming his sex toy for 8 years. She participated in the grooming of others, before marrying herself, and finally divorce: a wasted life.

How to prevent this from happening to you.

1 Fitting in community, where you and your wife belongs.

Another element that may have factored into her dynamic with Allen, Engelhardt muses, was her German background. "I had been taunted, tormented as a 'Nazi child' in the Jewish neighborhood I grew up in: Matawan, New Jersey. [The family moved to a rural area of the state when she was a teenager.] My father ran around in lederhosen. I had doors slammed in my face." Her parents were both postwar emigres, her father — by his account — a 14-year-old ditch-digging conscript into Hitler's army serving near the French border before the end of the war. "Woody's the uber-Jew, and I'm the uber-German," she says. While the pair never discussed their difference, she contends it hovered, at least on her end: "There was a chip on my shoulder about wanting to please those who cast me aside. I wasn't confrontational because I thought, 'Nobody likes Germans.' "

As we can read here, there is a core issue, the fitting in a community, town, city, neighbor or social setting. It is impossible to change the locals ways to fit yours, and it is possible even with great care and research to do mistake in location selection. In case there is complaints or simple doubts, MOVE. I know sometimes, things, may make this move complicated or apparently a financial nightmare, however if you read well between the line you see that in her case the fact, she and her parents were pariahs made her extremely vulnerable.

If you and your wife can't be yourselves where you live and feel socially accepted, there is no chance in hell that your offsprings could fit in. The example here is speaking loudly enough but others examples could be gun culture, freedom of speech, religious ways, what ever you consider core needs to fit in the local social framework.

2 Preventing early rapes, meaning common defense, strategic thinking and street awareness.

Engelhardt had repeatedly been raped in the years before meeting him, first by an older classmate, then on multiple occasions by a family friend.

So before she was 16, she had already the failure of individual and common defense. I use the word common defense, because only a systemic methodical uncompromising effort can hope to reduce and ultimately wipe those common threats. To fight in the common defense area the core tenet are still present :

a. free speech
b. right to bear arms.
c. cooperation between the law enforcement and the general public, through reporting crimes publicly and fighting corruption which always end in sexual feudalism.

d. AWARNESS, as of course the "family friend", a lack of dialogue and trust. Can be explained by the pariah status (doesn't her father saw? why can't he see the pariah? how to trust weakness?) and the blinded trust of a pariah status, the family friend... at least one not like the others etc. But all of this is part of the individual defense system, necessary and foundational basis of the common defense structure.

3 The "girl friend" gateway.

, working as a personal assistant to Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire financier later convicted for soliciting an underage girl. Following her time with Allen, she went on to become a platonic muse to Federico Fellini during the auteur's late-life journeys in Rome and Tulum, Mexico, then spent years tending to egos as a hostess in the executive dining room at Paramount before landing her current gig, working as an assistant for producer Bob Evans.
By Engelhardt's recollection, about a year into the relationship, Allen occasionally began bringing in two other "beautiful young ladies" for threesomes.
Allen beamingly announced that he wanted to introduce her to his new "girlfriend." (Engelhardt had presumed she was the girlfriend.) It turned out to be Mia Farrow, who was 14 years older and already famous for Rosemary's Baby and The Great Gatsby.

The wolf in sheep clothing. Research, visit, see, and in doubt MOVE. It's all the aspect of social dynamics at young age, influence, the spread of compromised ethic and stolen youths, jealousy etc. But again look how she is used as a bait or safety pole to anchor the others and herself. So that it isn't the "girlfriend" who is the real enemy but those who control her and as this matter concern and only regards common defense, as an individual only the safest approach, safety first should be applied, ie. MOVE her from the girlfriend.

So I hope this first quick and unprofessional analysis helped some of you understand the pitfalls of grooming and how to prevent easily identifiable aspects of it.

We can quickly generalize some things, while always recognizing that it's hard core experimented socially accepted predators that are fought. As such distance and the moral and physical high ground is paramount. If her parents had moved to a german oriented community they wouldn't have mostly to live through that.

Then we understand why they want to destroy free will, free speech and the right to bear arms at all costs. They really seek to enslave us, then rape us, and then throw us away maybe having farmed our organs.

It's important to fight them in all aspect of your live, and the first issue is critical thinking, not based on the input they feed us, but on what we see ourselves, aka trust your sensors. They try to break our wills, to impose their tolls on our interface with reality, to finally control our speech, to take our weapons and let us be as merciless preys for them to exploit, rape, abuse and use.

letting them wins, means the end of civilization.

I am again suprised to have always hatted the people who loved woody allen, I hated the guy movies before reading the story without having ever seen one. For me this man, or thing, or subhuman was always the definition of weakness. However what I didn't understood is that like a poison, the weakness that permeate everything about him, was in fact use to weaken and prey upon. I hate no mercy for such things >>> cruficication, aka longest suffering possible before death.

I pitty those who whoreshipped him, or still do, as it is said, those who takes idols for gods have already fallen beyond repair (at least I don't have the time) and are at best killed or at worst put at safe distance.

And that against them, the more atrocious, unleashed totally rampaging violence is the only way to assure a full smashing so fast that even their dart are smashed to voidness in the impacts.

If your impact is powerful enough to break the snake skulls and teethes, what is his poison but juice?

As a lighter note, may be the beginning of a new series... and if you guessed and understood the general theme, it's maybe the proof that you are worth reading it, otherwise, smashed, juiced, and ashed, I care only about your salts.

and to illustrate the damage and impact in failure :

A week after the screening, Engelhardt confides that Allen has preoccupied her dreams. "I used to dream of making love to Woody,"

take this seriously, it's a war out there and sadly most of the enemies are unmarked or quite "praised" by their "priests".

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