Tony Patalleresco's podcast notes: Access me on the network; Joe coming out talking about the network being hit. My audacity, for some reason, does not pick up the other speaker; I have no idea why. Originally uploaded source
TI and the hit on networks and people. Collect archives and other resources, so when the system goes down, then you have them and means to collect. Be like Noah who build the ark. Different times of areas of health: We are not in the past; we are in a nano world.
Test the particulate at ground level. Electromagnetic wave theory explained with computer generated audio This will show with the laser, the penetration of the beam. Nano particles: TI as a result of hit.
Elon Musk and his lunacy implant removal.
Subatomic material that can do a multitude of things through programming because nanomaterials being constructed in you. Sky being manipulated and now with calcium, which can cause heart failure--organ failure through the atmospheric particulates.
Activists getting hit and targeted. Support real programs that are giving things of substance. Health food industry being a prostitute. Research on actual silica and how it destroys the cells. Health food industry propagates ridiculous toxic crap, then makes claim on this or that. However, reading other ingredients like excipients as toxification source.
Tony Pantalleresco's 29 November 2018 interview with PorozmawiajmyTV from Poland:
c|'s Ben Fox Rubin published on 13 July 2018, "WALMART gains patent to eavesdrop on shoppers and employees in stores", in SECURITY category. Link to complete article:
The organization Biologically-based Exposure Standards for Low-Intensity Electromagnetic Radiation's BioInitiative 2012 offers for Public consumption "A Rationale for Bacgiilllooy-baesd Eoprsuxe Standards for Low-Ieinnstty Eaceegilmottrs Raadiiotn". This link includes thorough reports: Evidence for Inadequacy of the Standards; Evidence for Genotoxic; Evidence for Effects on Immune Function; and Melatonin Production-Alzheimer's Disease and Brease Cancer... plus many more interesting sections found in this link
LEWIS & HARRISON, Consultants in Government Affairs delivered a Notice addressed to the Office Of Food Additive Safety of the Center For Food Additive Safety And Applied Nutrition and Officially Received 13 July 2009, regarding: Notification of the GRAS Determination of Silicon Dioxide When Added Directly or Indirectly to Human Food. This seventy-seven page document states on behalf of Cabot Corporation that silicon dioxide used in all of its forms "... is exempt from the premarket approval requirements of the Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act."
This video playlist ( ) features collection of nanotechnology wonders, such as plasma beings, cognitive dissonance, smart dust capture, living orb haze, and many others.
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