The oddity that is the "VICTORY" for blocking the KinderM game

in groupchat •  7 years ago  (edited)

If you know me, I have have long been an opposer to these stupid projects.

Thing is now, with all going on I feel the urgent need to look out for our people's needs above all else facing everything that's on the table. This time I am finding myself on the opposite side of the table but why?

Screenshot 2018-08-31 07.40.47.png

If I know you, I know you're going to do your own studying and make up your own mind, but let me present to you the many events that have led me to feel that MAYBE just MAYBE and only because of extreme circumstances we may need to consider our own self sustainability while we CONTINUE to DIVEST into clean renewable energies.

That being said, Let's begin!!!!

Orange and the trade "DISPUTE"

With the unpredictable nature of this individual, and their inability to regard their ally's as ally's, watching the cost of items already rising we need to realize a LOT of these companies are US owned.

When speaking to friends who worked out west, this is what they have pointed out that their boss is not a National thing. In truth we had owned our own petrol until the nationalized project was privatized.

Here's the national project:

Here's an article apparently from 1989 discussing its privatization:

and we all know how that went......

Current times we know that the last PM pulled out of the KYOTO ACCORD
to pursue the current oil project out west.
No different then the Orange guy on the Paris agreement.

(See my friends article Orange is the new Harper to note similarities in 'game play':

Upon losing the election a smear campaign was created to play dirty politics, and while I personally have no political allegiance to ANY PARTY only to the people of my nation I hope we can set aside party politics and prejudice to discuss the very important problems facing us since the trade spat has escalated.

The Orange fellow and the old PM sold weapons to a specific nation
Old pm:

Orange fellow:
(Upon writing this I have just discovered he has sold weapons to over 90 countries now?
these people want world war... but for the sake of this article lets stick to what we need to discuss. )

While there have been countless atrocities committed since these sales one most recent was the school bus of children.

Wich even had Comedian/Actor Jim Carrey tweeting his art about the atrocity
(will update article with photo)

Shortly after this there was a twitter spat with a Canadian MP commenting on an activist from SA being arrested and persecuted with then spiraled into a reason to help the Orange man "punish" Canada for speaking ' not minding its own business'.

They have since pulled out financially in many area's yet want to 'make our people hurt'
knowingly a lot of dealings from foreign nations with them is on the topic of this article.
That black shit we all want to shift off of!!!

That being said, it feels like at this time having our own national interest in mind for avoiding rising prices, and a shortage is in our interest while we use this as an opportunity to more quickly shift towards self sufficiency.

Since Canada bought the pipeline, its already tax dollars invested in the project.
Yet those of us who have been fighting TOOTH AND NAIL the past 5 years to stop many of these projects know that things were halted VERY QUICKLY and without much effort.

Now we need to ask:
Why was this "victory" so easy?
Some people have pointed to some very interesting things...
(twitter posts I will have to add to this article once I have time)

At this point, social media has been compromised and the discussion is no longer just national, its international and filled with misleading information.

an educated person may instead actually just have been mislead by astroturfing projects, not even aware of the true situation.

That that's where I'll leave the rest of this puzzle to you my friends.
I'd like to understand, but also suggest that we may consider a nationalized social media where we can all actively engage in uncensored debate and vote on matters as a country.
(this would be a tricky project however, as we'd need to make sure it wasn't censored or biased)

But I would really like to know your own thoughts as we move forward to this nauseating time.

Together we will get through it

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I'm interested in seeing what their next move will be as well Sonia...I'm shocked too and have a feeling of unease about our apparent 'victory.

It feels like when a bully grabs your arm and punches you in the face and says "Stop hitting yourself! "

Accept most of us for so long have been wanting to heal the environmental issues for the kids, so those celebrating may be unaware to shifting playing field.

I don't want to wait, I want to sing our way to the world kids all deserve.

Let's begin with this step.