The Real Reason I've Been Successful in Bitcoin

in groupelmalika •  2 years ago  (edited)

Buckle up. The Ethereum merge is only days away and no one knows what will happen after it occurs. One thing is for certain, we should all be expecting volatility. It could very well be the catalyst that the entire market needs to recover from the chaos that took place during the summer. There is a hint of bullishness and optimism in the market again, and it feels so good to see. With that said, the markets have done pretty much nothing since the aftermath of several crypto organizations going under. A summer of sideways action. Bullish seasons are times of hype and excitement, while sideways or bearish times are meant for building. During these less eventful times, I like to take a step back and really rethink my personal situation. Taking a deep look at my performance during the last cycle. What did do well, and what did I do poorly? Why I made certain decisions, and how I found myself in my current position. Things often get pretty deep and philosophical. After all, if we don't look at our performance and the mistakes, we've made. How can we ever learn from them and improve?

This all brings me to the topic that I will be talking about today. With my crypto writing, I often write about portfolios, accumulating, earning income, and creating passive income streams. I'm very lucky to be in the position that I am currently in. It definitely wasn't easy. There were times when I wanted to give up. Times that I heavily doubted if I was doing the right thing. But I was able to stick with it and eventually see great success.

Often on my blogs, there is one type of question that I receive more than any other kind. They often go to the tune of "What is your secret for accumulating so much Bitcoin and crypto?" Or, "What is your secret to having success with your blogs?" These people are in the same position that I was in around 2014. They are looking for a better life but just haven't found the method to make it happen yet. Many of them have found cryptocurrency and feel that it could be that life-changing thing that they have been searching for. But even so, it takes money to make money, and can be difficult to get a portfolio started. They are looking for that one nudge of good luck or that one nugget of great advice that could be the thing that finally put everything on track for them. I know I was looking for something similar back then.

Today I will be sharing my secret and the real reason why I have found success with Bitcoin, Ethereum, and crypto investing in general. I try to say this as much as possible. But, if I can find success in this market, then anyone can. I sincerely hope if you are considering going deeper into this market, that this article will help motivate you on your journey towards financial freedom. With that said, I also hope that this article will serve as a warning as well. What works for me, may not work for you. While there are great benefits to my method, there are dangers to it as well. Especially in the cryptocurrency market.

The fact is that I have an obsession with becoming successful and also with cryptocurrency.

The way I view it; I don't simply want to grow rich via crypto, investing, and obtain full financial freedom. But instead, I WILL become rich via crypto, and investing, and WILL have full financial freedom. It isn't a want. It is a requirement or a need, and I will not stop until it happens. Perhaps it stems from growing up in a large family that was competitive about everything. Maybe a part of it came from playing sports throughout my life. Or maybe it was caused by being in a horrible financial situation and realizing that strict changes needed to be made to turn things around. One thing is for certain, whenever I get into something, I go in deep and work very hard for it.


This obsession has served me incredibly well with Bitcoin and crypto. Perhaps some of you know my backstory, but for others, I will give you a brief summary. I have a brother who got into Bitcoin very, very early. So early that he was mining on a regular laptop computer. Anyways, he tried to get me into Bitcoin. As the story usually goes, I wasn't open to the idea and didn't want to hear any more about it. Ignoring him, and instead focused on my biggest passion at the time which was traveling and living in various places around the world. As fate would work out, I would reconnect with Bitcoin and this time everything clicked. That is when I officially went down the rabbit hole and never looked back. Thankfully, Bitcoin was still very early and I was able to accumulate well.

But, don't let that let you think that I don't regret missing those few years of accumulating. That I didn't want to overtake my brother's portfolio or even other people that I know. What this all means is that while others are out having fun. I was instead at home. I was studying, researching, planning, and even strategizing my next move. This meant working two and something three jobs to have extra money to invest. Nights with no sleep. Selling everything I didn't need and becoming more of a minimalist. While others were playing, I was working. This desire of mine, I was going to will it into existence.

This also extends to my passive income streams as well. Each day I MUST be earning some type of passive income, or it feels like the day was a failure. While I mainly only talk about cryptocurrency on my blogs, this also extends to my other investments as well. Believe it or not, I also had a similar obsession with my crypto blogging as well. For those of you who write on a very regular basis while maintaining a full-time job on top of that. You will already know that sometimes it can be difficult to find the time or energy to write. But once again, that is where my obsessive personality stepped in. When I first began to write, I looked all across Publish0x and other blogs. I made a note of who the most popular writers were, and how many followers they had. I made it my goal to overtake those that I looked up to the most on the service.


It may sound strange, but these are the types of things that have made me successful over the years. After all, the crypto market can be a wild and crazy place. It can make even those of us with the highest conviction lose confidence in the market. Either selling or putting a pause on their accumulations. Call it being obsessive and also very stubborn, but it has served me very well up until now. But that doesn't mean there aren't risks and dangers that come along with this. The crypto market is as volatile as they come and the whole market is pretty much a large casino. For those of us who can't control our impulses, or have gambling problems. This market can turn dark for these people very quickly and get way over their heads. They could lose everything. Knowing my own weakness is why I'm not a trader. You'll never see me trading the market or using leverage. Buying and holding crypto is risky enough, and I don't want to add any more fuel to the fire.

I do look forward to the day when I will settle down a little bit, and do some of the other things that I enjoy as well. But, for the time being, I absolutely love what I do. This is why I stay in the market, and why I continue to write. The key point is this. If there is something that you really want in life, you can make it happen. You just need to work hard for it and that is exactly what I did.

How about you? What has made you successful in the crypto market?

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