in growfacebook •  3 years ago 

Yes, creating amazing content should be the first thing in your mind but creating only good content won’t get you through anywhere.

If you have been using Facebook for a while, you would know that expecting your posts to reach all your prospective customers organically is a fool’s errand.

Why? Because the algorithm prevents brands from attaining an effective organic reach. The complex algorithm makes it tough to reach every potential customer.

That’s where pay-to-play marketing comes into action.

With detailed targeting capabilities, plenty of ad formats, and rates 7x cheaper as compared to other social media advertising, Facebook ads has emerged as one of the best advertising platforms for marketers.

Still, a lot of marketers struggle to yield better results from their Facebook ad efforts. According to Weebly, up to 62% of small business owners say that their Facebook ads campaign never works out well.

Let's burrow down on some of the best tips you need to follow and also the pitfalls you need to be aware of in order to accomplish an objective-nailing Facebook ad campaign.


The first step to achieving success in any marketing campaign is having a measurable objective and also creating your strategy from the outset.

Facebook Ads can have any one of the following objectives:
• Increase website traffic
• Increase conversions
• Event-based promotions

Knowing your objectives before the start of the campaign would help you measure accurately if you are getting the desired results. And if things aren’t working as planned, you can decide to pause, change or modify the parameters for your campaign instead of wasting funds.

How to develop business objectives and goals?
Define goals as a group: Get all relevant stakeholders onboard and then decide on a target.

Create an action plan: An action plan or strategy should be made alongside goal setting. Do not just set goals, also prepare a plan that defines the process you want to follow in order to achieve them.

Set KPIs: A constant track of the key performance indicators will help you optimize the campaign to maximize return. We have also listed important KPIs and metrics to track your FB campaigns in Chapter 9.

Create objectives that meet your current needs

It is important that you set objectives that would meet the immediate needs of your business. There is a key difference between setting goals and setting the right goals!


Images make your ads more interactive. They give your ad copy more meaning, more appeal, and more engagement.

But before you start designing your Facebook ad image, you need to remember the - Facebook 20% rule. According to this rule, your ad should have 20% text & 80% design.

Now the next is the designing part; you need to remember a few things. Your design must match your visual brand aesthetics and should be able to connect with your audience.

You can use Facebook’s creative hub to experience how your ad would appear to your audience.

You can try the follow tips to create engaging images for your ad:
• Large and legible font
• High contrast between text and background image
• Relevance and high-quality
• Your Logo

If you are running short on the designers, there are some powerful tools like Canva or Venngage, that you can use for designing a killer image.

Now, you can use 3 types of ad formats to display your image posts in Facebook feeds.


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