Steemian Charity and Mutual Assurance

in growth-idea •  7 years ago  (edited)


If you could split your post rewards at payout, giving a percentage to a Steem charity fund and a Steem mutual assurance fund, would you?

The interesting thing is, we can do that right now and I think many many Steemians would do it.

The questions we need to answer before we do are;

Who would administer the funds?
How would we decide how the funds were spent?
How would we ensure the funds were spent wisely, fairly and achieve the intended goals?

I believe if we can answer these questions, in short order, the majority of Steemians would support the funds and we would unleash an engine for growth of Steemit the likes of which the world has never seen.

Imagine, the word goes out that there is a global community generating value within an incredible network who are prepared to help each other and the rest of the world buy giving some of that value to those in need.

This is not your average charity. No sir. This is something else. This is human beings organising themselves and utilising a system with inherent integrity to directly help those in need.

Those we intend to receive the help get it and all of it.

The difference between the fund is that charity can be for anyone, mutual assurance can be only for those who contribute.

So can the important questions be answered? I'll have a go....

Who would administer the funds?

A group of people elected by Steemians that have the reputation, passion and knowledge to do the job. It is my belief that Steemit is teeming with such people. We would need to form a consensus around how they work together to execute the best practice management and security of the funds.

How would we decide how the funds were spent?

The elected fund administrators (who control the private keys) would disperse the funds. There would need to be a clear process by which requests for the funds were managed, utilising the inate integrity of the Steem blockchain. Also a set of clear and fair selection criteria should be utilised.

How would we ensure the funds were spent wisely, fairly and achieve the intended goals?

Ensuring the success of this kind of operation will be down to successfully navigating any areas where there is the potential for disagreement on what the funds are used for and the trust that the best attempt to reach the goal was made. The best way to ensure success will be a layered approach based on transparency and accountability, underpinned by reputation.

The layers might be; a comprehensive request with evidence, the transparent selection criteria, transparent selection process, comprehensive reporting on the implementation of funds, comprehensive reporting of outcomes.

The amazing thing is that if we get organised, we have the capability of implementing a system like this NOW. Its impact could begin to be felt tomorrow and I think it would astonish the world.


Radical Alternative

Another way to disburse the funds would be that submission posts were made to either fund and contributors to the funds vote on the post. If the post garners a threshold level of support, the funds are released on the condition that status updates were provided and a closure report with specific attention to goals achieved. Failure to adehere to the process would damage reputation and would impact on the likelihood of support in the future.

I appreciate there's a lot going on here. I think we should get cracking and sort it out! :) I would certainly be willing to divert a percentage of my rewards to both funds today. Perhaps everyone that does so will get a special badge. Perhaps that might affect people's decisions a voting time that means every Steemian will give what they can. The fund could be huge and the good it could do is mind boggling.


Happy Steeming

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A little twist on your idea:

What if, instead of deciding which claims to award money to, the board or whatnot decides who hands out the charity

Guerilla charity, sort of. You spot someone in need, you buy them lunch, you buy them an apartment for a month, whatever, based on their situation. You can record an interview with them or document it in whatever way. People who show themselves to be good at distributing the charity in a positive way will be trusted with funds.

And maybe people would have a fee, as they prove themselves to be good at doing it. Decentralized charity that has every incentive to use the money efficiently.

That seems better than asking the board to make judgments on each specific request. Eventually people would be able to learn how to make a generic pitch that has a good shot at getting approved, and there's no way the board could be intimately in tune with each case.

I really like your idea a lot! I think there is a place for both as reputation will apply to the more centralised approach too. I also think that for larger charitable mobilisations, the centralised version will be more likely to have the funding necessary. I absolutely love your idea is again something we can begin doing immediately. This might not be exactly what you mean, but i'm thinking....A Steemian does an act of charity, does a post, explains the story and costs, provides the evidence and people upvote the post! Any excess can be used to fund the next act of charity. It's a lot like my Steem clean initiative.

That's another thing, due to the lottery type rewards, if the charity is being rewarded by post, they may not cover costs if it is too big/expensive.

"This might not be exactly what you mean, but i'm thinking....A Steemian does an act of charity, does a post, explains the story and costs, provides the evidence and people upvote the post! Any excess can be used to fund the next act of charity."

Right! That's pretty much what I mean, ya. That could be a way to get the ball rolling, to show you're interested in doing these acts of kindness and maybe that you're good at it. And then there could be some more elaborate way for people to fund you or keep track of everything as it develops more.

Sounds good to me. People can and are getting the ball rolling themselves but it would be great if posted their support for this kind of initiative to get eyes on it. They could even seed some initial funds to the best ideas, vote up the best posts.

Would I ideally? Yes. However it would be dependent on what the charity was and the level of transparency of the organization. Would I want my money going to help others who are less fortunate then I am? Hell yeah. Do I want to be sure it's really getting to the people in need, I definitely do. And this, is a need that I think the blockchain is uniquely suited to truly fill, in a way no other database could.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Awesome! I think there are so many wonderful steemians that would join you in a heart beat. We could do this now with steem.

I already ask Duterte's Kitchen staff in facebook to check Steemit instead of asking money from President Duterte's supporters. It feeds the street children and the homeless in Manila @krizia @darthnava @shellany @politikalpinoy @allmonitor

That's absolutely brilliant. Best thing I've heard all week. Thank you for your intitiative, caring and for sharing.

I really see blockchain doing good in the cause area. SO many charities we never end up knowing where the money goes, Block chain changes that!
For Best Results: Resteem, Upvote, Follow and Comment! ~ Tijo ~

I couldn't agree more. We can change things right now with what Steemit and the Steem chain already offers us. We should begin immediately :)

@benjojo, an awesome idea my friend. We need some honest and true charities in this corrupt world. Steem On friend.

Thank you bud. We'll get something like this off the ground one way or another.

Very cool idea, hope this could be implemented at some point!

I think it's just a matter of time! :)

Frankly my friend I really hope that the value of Steem rises to $ 4
Because I'm in a big problem may help me
There are many things in my mind
Even the decision is difficult to talk about if you find someone who buys this account and backs it up
I'm looking forward to rising value and this is a very good solution that happened
But almost do not know what to write a problem happened yesterday and I was a brain in it
Now I have to find a solution
Thank you for this wonderful bost

I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope Steem climbs in value soon enough for you.

Thanks for helping my friend
I really hope that it will rise I will be happy
Because I am committed to paying very high compensation $ 1800 in 40 days
Thanks for listening my friend

"Who would administer the funds?"

Full Time Steemian (veteran 70+ rep $20K wallet estimate)

"How would we decide how the funds were spent?"

Nominated or Elected Steemians would be involved in a weekly\monthly\yearly voting on distribution\allocation within the community.

"How would we ensure the funds were spent wisely, fairly and achieve the intended goals?"

Each elected\nominated Steemian would get equal total amounts to be managed evenly into SP (SteemPower) so just in case they power down or start to withdraw funds in that particular account it will be transparent to ALL and may effect the next vote for next allocation of community funds.

All great ideas cassidyandfranks! I imagined more than one administrator but whoever it is must have serious skin in the game!

With the last point...accountability would be absolutely essential, I agree. Also, accountability for the implementation once funding occurs or begins and a complete report on outcomes that feeds into reputation. We have to make sure the money does what it is intended to do. Thanks so much for helping!!

Serious Skin Yes, but what about delegated SP like we had a month or so ago when @htooms offered his SP to be used by other Minnows and Dolphins kinda like a "prove to see how skilled you are" competitive contest in Quality Curration and voting up Quality Comments.

Delegated stake might be useful in giving someone who is in every other way perfect for the job a chance, like you say! Good idea.

Last one, promise :)

After a week\month\annually and proven track record with the rewards collected by the ONE that was chosen for the delegated amount of SP, a percentage 33% for example would be delegated into "savings" account in the wallet and 33% delgated back into more skin in the game (SP) and last 33% would be liquid STEEM.

Do you mean as remuneration? As in that is how the administrative duties are rewarded?

Could be or however the most beneficial and fairly distributed and prevented measures so that just in case any signs of a bad actor would be noticed and questioned by the community openly which would basically terminate any future rewards or delegated SP as well as future nominated or elected for any next level position just like in a corporate business model but ALL in the open on the Steem Blockchain.

Throwing ALL these ideas out into the public for ANY type of discussion and FUTURE growth-ideas.

So 33% savings would stored for charitable to be withdrawn back into liquid STEEM when necessary.

33% added to (salary\adminastrative duties)Regular SP not delegated SP which would add to Voting Power as the weeks\moinths\yearly progresses.

33% liquid STEEM could be used for immediate transfers to charity or specific agreed mutual FUND that can be voted on.

win, Win, WIN

I see exactly what you mean now and I absolutely agree. Security necessitates the need to hold some of both funds in SP and savings.

I usually agree with a lot of your ideas and I think a lot of them are very good but I think I disagree with this one. All of us needs to do the best we can with our individual Steem but I've upvote for the good intention and Steem need a lot more compassionate feelings.

Hi teamsteem, your support has been absolutely incredible and I appreciate all feedback, positive and negative. Hopefully I can change your mind on this one. Ironically, I think this is the best (with improvements certainly) and most important idea I've had! ;)

Let me give some examples for how the two funds might be used.

  1. Charity fund - a person from a village in Ethiopia submits a request for help building a school. The request is evaluated for authenticity, impact and cost, then if it meets the selection criteria, funds are released (perhaps not all at once) into the appropriate hands for mobilisation and implementation on the understanding that progress reports and a closure report is made. If Steemians are happy that the money was used as intended and that the outcome was what was desired then that would be considered a success and hopefully many more Steemians would be created long the way. Those who were involved in the project would gain reputation for meeting our standards for integrity and reporting thereby gaining reputation for future charitable projects. If every Steemian diverted a couple of percent of their rewards, we would have one heck of an engine for growth of Steem awareness and for helping people beyond the Steemit community.

  2. Mutual Assurance - this fund would be for contributing Steemians only. So a contributing Steemian encounters an event where they need some temporary financial support. A close family member falls ill and the treatment is to expensive. They submit a request to the mutual assurance fund that they have been paying into and it is evaluated for authenticity, cost and compliance with other criteria decided and agreed upon before people join the fund. If the request meets the criteria then the Steemian will receive the money to help their relative.

No-one knows what is around the corner and we could all use some backup occasionally. I think awareness that such a fund exists and the good it does for our community would and value and utility to Steem and encourage growth from people outside who hear about it. This is insurance, for important matters (not holiday travel insurance) with no profit motive. The fund is there just to help Steemians in a bind.

I hope these examples help to change your mind. I would love some more feedback if you have the time. Thanks bud!

I get you and I love the idea and their might very well be go ways of implementing them but there's always a trade off between centralization and individual freedom.

I love the ideas you added in this comment. Thanks!

I like this post. Its kind of the reason I came here. Having involvement with Dogecoin the way I have, I can speak a bit on this subject Doge is the currency known to help and assistant people in need, or non profits looking to raise money for whatever situation, Steem has such a following and the crypto community behind it seems so supportive. I'd be more than willing to back this idea. Please keep me in the loop.

Thank you so much!

I joined steemit 2 days ago and had a similar idea last night. I work for an NGO and am currently planning a new project for our Greece response before going back to Germany end of the week. So, I dream about starting a 'company blog' with high quality content from our daily work - provided the green light is given for such a project. For that I started to do some research on steemit and so far I found many people raising this idea over the months, but no organization seems to be willing to implement it wholehartedly. Well, I REALLY want to give it a try. I appreciate all your feedback. And when I get the permission from our NGO to join and support the cryptoworld then you'll see a HUGE introduction post that I hope will go viral. I want the world to know what blockchain technology can do.