Think Your Way To Freedom

in growthforsuccess •  7 years ago  (edited)

I sit on the train in my typical commute home from work and I ponder the thought of what it means to be truly free. Does it mean that you don't have to live by a clock or a schedule? Does it mean you are forever single in fear of being "tied down" by someone, does it mean you have to run your own business so you can do what you want, when you want? All these thoughts have come into my head at some point or another in the past few months from reflection of my own life and the way I have impacted others.

So I ask these questions even though I believe I feel the answers I have are true;

Is living by a clock costing me my freedom? No! It is not. Planning your day carefully enables you to have MORE freedom. By booking time out for yourself and doing the things you love you are investing in yourself.

Can you be in a committed and loving relationship and still feel free? Yes, absolutely you can. You just need someone who truly understands, respects and appreciates you and your values without the need or want for control, power or suppression. Yes they are out there.

Is the only way to be free to live out in nature? This answer I would almost say yes to however I know of some people living out in nature who are trapped emotionally so where you live outside your body isn't important, I would more say that it is where your MIND lives that is really what matters.

Do I have to run my own business to be free? No you do not. However, if you truly believe in what you do and you have a burning passion for your work, you will feel free.

It has taken a lot of reflection to arrive at this statement and there is one quote that I have tweaked slightly that resonates so strongly with me on this subject.....


This was paraphrased from the great Napoleon Hill from his Think and Grow Rich program and has helped me to understand myself and the way I fit into life more so than any other book I have read. This statement means that if you are in a negative head space, feeling defeated and you truly believe you are, then that will become your reality in the physical form. Everything is created twice. First in the mind and then in the physical form. No one is where they are without thinking that is where they deserve to be. Therefore, if you feel trapped, you trapped yourself firstly in your mind. If you fail to plan then chances are you plan to fail. No external factors can help you UNTIL you shift your paradigm and change your subconscious your thoughts within your mind. All you need for that to happen is a clear vision, belief it will happen and repetition of that belief. Everything you want in life is yours, but you have to work for it.

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For me, Freedom is when all of your relationships are voluntary.

Love it Matt!