How to Grow Social Media Accounts like TikTok, Facebook and Instagram by 100%

in growyoursocialmedia •  3 years ago  (edited)


How to Grow Social Media Accounts like TikTok, Facebook and Instagram by 100%

Just like a real account, the key to growing your social media accounts is engagement. With a lot of time and effort, it’s possible to grow followers on all platforms at once. This blog post will detail the best strategies for growing your social media accounts by 100%.
There are a few things to keep in mind when growing your account.

  • Be committed: It will take work on your part. The key to success is being committed and dedicated to the task. You can't just post once, share twice, and expect to grow your account by 100%. The only way you'll be able to grow is if you're committed to posting constantly and engaging with other users on the platform.
  • Build relationships: When you first start out, it may seem easier to just post links or pictures without any commentary or engagement. But that's not how you'll be able to grow your account by 100%. Relationships take time and effort. Building relationships means being genuine and commenting on posts from other users. Asking questions related to what they posted is also a great way to build a relationship with them. Once you have established yourself as a person who values conversation, people will feel more inclined about following your page for updates about what you're posting and sharing their thoughts with you!
  • Be consistent: Consistency is key when trying to grow an audience on social media platforms. If you are constantly posting new content consistently, people will be more likely to explore your page because they expect new content from it every day!
  • Stay active: Don't fall into the trap of thinking that no one cares about what you have to say because no one is commenting or liking your posts. Make sure that when you post something new, even
    The Importance of Engagement
    The number one rule of social media is that you need to create content that people want to share. If you are able to produce engaging content, then you will be able to grow your social media following exponentially. You need your followers to like, share and comment on your posts in order for them to be successful.
  1. Share content
    The key to growing your social media accounts is engagement. The best way to engage with your audience is to share relevant content. If you want them to re-share it, make sure the content is valuable and interesting.
  2. Create a sense of community
    Creating a sense of community on your social media accounts helps build a loyal following. When people feel like they’re part of something, they’ll be more likely to continue following and sharing your post or page. Posting frequently will also help you do this!
  3. Do your research
    When starting out, it’s hard to know what kind of posts will get the most engagement from followers. This can be frustrating when you don’t have enough followers to test different tactics yet. When looking for inspiration, pay attention to what other companies in your niche are posting about and how well their posts perform. Doing some research will help give you an idea of how to grow your social media accounts by 100%.
  4. Share high quality photos
    This goes without saying; photo content is king on social media! Posting high quality photos will always result in higher engagement rates than if you posted a link with text only or a video without an accompanying caption. If possible, use unique photos that haven't been shared before by anyone else in the world - these tend to get the best response rates on Instagram!
    5: Create fun contests or giveaways
    Using the right tools
    There are many tools that can be utilized to grow your social media following. And the best one that I recommend is Way better than Buffer, Hootsuite, Zoho and other social media management tools. This tool is an easy-to-navigate dashboard that allows you to manage multiple social accounts and posts at one time. It also offers a free trial and costs half the price of its main competitors.
    By utilizing the right tools, you’ll be able to successfully grow your company's social media following by 100%.
    Increase your organic reach by using hashtags
    One of the most effective ways to increase your organic reach is by using hashtags. Hashtags are small search terms that people use on all social media platforms. When people use hashtags, they can find themselves in a community with other users who have the same interests.
    For example, if you’re running a campaign for a new food truck and you hashtag your posts with the words “tacos,” “Mexican cuisine,” and “food trucks,” then anyone who uses those same hashtags will be able to see what you're posting. This increases your chances of gaining more followers as many people search for and follow these types of accounts.
    Another way to increase your organic reach is by converting Snapchat followers into Instagram followers or Facebook followers (or vice versa). People who follow you on one platform might want to follow you on another platform as well. A lot of times these followers will automatically follow you on all other social media platforms where they found you because it's easier than having to go through the process again. You won't need to spend money advertising on multiple platforms – just invest some time and effort into growing your social media accounts organically.

Connect with influencers to grow your account
The first step in this process is to find influencers. Influencers are people with a solid social media following that have a niche topic related to your business. For example, if you have a dog-walking service, you may want to search for influencers with an interest in dogs and pet care.
Connecting with these people can be tough. You can always reach out to them and hope they reply, or you could do some research online and try to find their contact information yourself. Some platforms make it easier for you to connect with influencers on their site. For example, LinkedIn has the ability for members to endorse each other’s skill sets. As the owner of this Fortune 500 company, you may be able to endorse someone’s skills without making any personal contact with them. When done right, this can lead to more followers on your account because your existing audience will see the endorsement as well as the new follower!
There you have it. With all these actions you can now definitely grow your social media accounts by 100%.

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