Heroin, the effects and the effects of heroin

in gsg •  7 years ago 

Heroin is a hard drug and a colorless, odorless and bitter tasting opiate and it is prepared from morphine that in turn is made from the opium that is obtained from the poppy plant. Heroin was made to get rid of the problem that morphine was too addictive. Unfortunately, heroin turned out to be much more addictive than morphine. In this article we explain what effect heroin has on the body and what the consequences are.

The history of Heroin
Heroin was discovered in 1898 by a German company. As you have already read, it was made from morphine. Morphine in place was removed from opium. That is the dried milksap of the unripe seed bulb of the poppy plant: 'papaver somniferum'. These plants grow in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, India, Burma, Thailand and South America.

In 1525 opium was already introduced as a medicinal drink. It was called laudanum and was made from alcohol and opium. This drink became very popular. It was used as a sleeping and analgesic. In 1803, a German pharmacist was able to make morphine from opium. This remedy was also used against chronic pain and insomnia. Also people who wanted to get rid of their laudanum addiction took morphine. Because morphine is even more powerful and addictive as opium, this had no effect at all. It became really clear how addictive morphine was when thousands of soldiers returned after the American civil war.

In 1898, heroin was discovered in Germany. Heroin was much stronger than morphine. Hence also the name 'heroin'. This means, in German, heroic or powerful. To get rid of the morphine addiction heroin was used. Here they only realized how addictive heroin was when it was already too late. Heroin used to be injected most often in the past, but nowadays due to the fear of AIDS, this method of use is aging. Now it is mostly smoked.

Nowadays, heroin is not popular among young people. The number of young users is very small. The number of addicts is stable and aging. The Netherlands is currently conducting experiments with heroin addicts. Heroin is then prescribed by a doctor. Because of this, addicts can suffer a more stable life and they are less involved in the criminal circuit.

The poppy plant

Poppy is extracted from the bulb of the poppy plant (also known as poppy somniferum). Among them, the following substances are made: morphine, codeine, and noscapine. Heroin is made from morphine. They are beautiful ornamental flowers to have in the garden. They must have a lot of sun and little wind, otherwise you will get very bare flowers.

Cellular functioning

The main effects that are a result of heroin use are: pleasure, numbness of pain and suppression of breathing. Our body has receptors. Opiates bind to these receptors. But the body also has its own substance that binds to receptors. This substance is called endorphine. This substance fights pain but it is quickly broken down so there is hardly any on addiction. Heroin is converted into morphine in the body. The natural neurotransmitter endorphins are stimulated by the morphine.

The heroin that affects the brain in many ways. It is subdivided into the three main components:

In normal way of creating pleasure, three types of neurons are involved. Namely endorphin neurons, GABA neurons and dopamine neurons. If there is a normal situation, dopamine is continuously delivered to the brain. The release of dopamine can be stimulated and inhibited.

The neurotransmitter GABA inhibits the release of dopamine. You can see that the transmittor substances from the GABA neuron give a signal (red) in the Dopamine neuron. That signal stops the signal from the dopamine neuron (green). Endorphin neurons release endorphins and bind to the GABA neuron, which inhibits the release of GABA, so the production of dopamine is less inhibited.

This release therefore stimulates the production of dopamine. You can see that the endorphin produces a signal (red) that blocks the signal for the production of GABA (green). However, endorphins can also bind to dopamine neurons, inhibiting the production of dopamine. You can see that the endorphin gives off a signal (red) that blocks the signal of the dopamine (green). Without heroin in the brain, this inhibition and stimulation is kept in balance.

In case of pain, a pain signal is transmitted. In a normal situation, endorphins are bound to the neurons that are involved here, making the pain signal less strong. Then the endorphins are immediately degraded. If there is heroin in the body, this is converted into morphine. Morphine also binds to the neuron responsible for transmitting the pain signal. This also weakens the signal but in a much stronger way because the morphine is at the receptors for much longer before it is broken down

On top of that, morphine also comes to sit on the adjacent neuron, and thus prevents the weakened signal from being passed on. In the normal situation of breathing, the respiratory rhythm is controlled by neurons in the brainstem. In case of a shortage of oxygen, a signal is given to the respiratory muscles that they have to contract, as a result of which the lungs blow up and you get enough oxygen. If you use heroin, the oxygen deficit signal is inhibited, making your breathing much calmer. In case of an overdose your body stops breathing, because it no longer receives a signal that it needs oxygen. The signals from your lungs that there is not enough oxygen are blocked by the morphine in the body.

Since your breathing is automatically controlled by the nervous system, you just suffocate. making your breathing much calmer. In case of an overdose your body stops breathing, because it no longer receives a signal that it needs oxygen. The signals from your lungs that there is not enough oxygen are blocked by the morphine in the body. Since your breathing is automatically controlled by the nervous system, you just suffocate. making your breathing much calmer. In case of an overdose your body stops breathing, because it no longer receives a signal that it needs oxygen. The signals from your lungs that there is not enough oxygen are blocked by the morphine in the body. Since your breathing is automatically controlled by the nervous system, you just suffocate.
Someone who uses heroin for the first time may suffer from vomiting, dizziness, nausea, itching, headaches and a strange feeling in the head. This is because the brain is not accustomed to getting all kinds of signals that it normally gets, not or weakened. The morphine that works in the body ensures that the user feels a strong numbing effect. If the user no longer suffers from the side effects, heroin gives a very pleasant effect. The person who uses it feels relaxed. Also grief, pain, fear, hunger and cold are no longer felt. All the signs of sadness, pain, fear, hunger and cold are muted in the same way as pain by the morphine and are therefore not or very toned in the brain. After use, heroin works about 4 to 6 hours. Of course, the effect depends on the user, the number of times the person uses heroin, over what period it is used, in what quantities that happens and how. The body gets used to heroin very quickly. So one has to use more and more to experience the desired effect again. Spiritually you can become very addicted to heroin because it does not make you feel the "bad" things in life
A disadvantage is that someone after use can not find the reality more cozy, fun and beautiful. Which will make this person use heroin again and again. So one has to use more and more to experience the desired effect again. Spiritually you can become very addicted to heroin because it does not make you feel the "bad" things in life. A disadvantage is that someone after use can not find the reality more cozy, fun and beautiful. Which will make this person use heroin again and again. So one has to use more and more to experience the desired effect again. Spiritually you can become very addicted to heroin because it does not make you feel the "bad" things in life. A disadvantage is that someone after use can not find the reality more cozy, fun and beautiful. Which will make this person use heroin again and again.

Someone who uses heroin for the first time may suffer from vomiting, dizziness, nausea, itching, headaches and a strange feeling in the head. This is because the brain is not accustomed to getting all kinds of signals that it normally gets, not or weakened. The morphine that works in the body ensures that the user feels a strong numbing effect. If the user no longer suffers from the side effects, heroin gives a very pleasant effect. The person who uses it feels relaxed. Also grief, pain, fear, hunger and cold are no longer felt. All the signs of sadness, pain, fear, hunger and cold are muted in the same way as pain by the morphine and are therefore not or very toned in the brain.

After use, heroin works about 4 to 6 hours. Of course, the effect depends on the user, the number of times the person uses heroin, over what period it is used, in what quantities that happens and how. The body gets used to heroin very quickly. So one has to use more and more to experience the desired effect again. Spiritually you can become very addicted to heroin because it does not make you feel the "bad" things in life. A disadvantage is that someone after use can not find the reality more cozy, fun and beautiful. Which will make this person use heroin again and again. So one has to use more and more to experience the desired effect again.Spiritually you can become very addicted to heroin because it does not make you feel the "bad" things in life. A disadvantage is that someone after use can not find the reality more cozy, fun and beautiful. Which will make this person use heroin again and again. So one has to use more and more to experience the desired effect again. Spiritually you can become very addicted to heroin because it does not make you feel the "bad" things in life. A disadvantage is that someone after use can not find the reality more cozy, fun and beautiful. Which will make this person use heroin again and again.

Physical consequences

The damage that heroin causes in your body is in that sense, that it does not damage or damage organs and / or tissues. An effect of heroin on your body that emerges after use is delay of the heartbeat and breathing. Your pupils will also be reduced to pinholes. This is because a few areas in the brain control your pupil opening and the signals do not get through properly, as these signals are also 'extinguished' by the morphine. Another effect that occurs is that heroin inhibits bowel function. That is why opium used to be used against diarrhea. Nowadays, many heroin addicts suffer from constipation. The body temperature also drops.

What is less with other drugs and with heroin is pretty bad that physical dependence occurs. Once the drug has been developed, the body starts to show withdrawal symptoms. The user feels sick. The user often has abdominal cramps and feels clammy and cold. If you then use heroin again, these symptoms disappear again.
If someone has become addicted to heroin and then stop, this person has severe withdrawal symptoms for 7 to 10 days. This withdrawal can also be done under doctor's supervision, with the help of medicines that partly take over the role of the heroin. This medicine will gradually be phased out over the course of time.

Some effects of heroin that can harm the body:

By using dirty and used syringes, inflammation and infections can occur. Also, because heroin suppresses pain, a disease can be late or even not noticed at all. In women, menstruation is also disturbed. Also in combination with other narcotics in heroin very dangerous because these effects can reinforce each other. This can have profound consequences where death is no exception.

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