How to get a better gaming experience by improving fps in GTA 5

in gta5 •  3 years ago  (edited)

Why do we need to improve fps in GTA 5?
In-game, FPS refers to how many frames (pictures) your monitor displays per second. It refers to both recording and playback speed. A greater frame rate results in a smoother game, whereas a low FPS results in jerky gameplay. The recommended frame rate for gaming is 60 frames per second. Also, many players use mods to improve the graphics and performance so we need to improve fps in GTA 5 to enjoy more modifications of the game.

How do I improve fps in GTA 5?
Firstly, disable or reduce graphical improvements such as anti-aliasing, shadows, reflections, and Vsync. Then, while the game is running and playing, use Ctrl+Shift+Esc to view the RAM and CPU consumption in task management. Proceed if one or both of them are close to 100 percent.

If your CPU is approaching 100, you should look at the programs that are consuming it other than GTA 5. Identify them and close the ones with the highest CPU consumption if they aren't necessary when you're playing GTA 5.

If your RAM is approaching 100, check for memory-eating programs and terminate them. Upgrade your RAM if feasible; it's inexpensive and quite efficient at enhancing overall performance. If that isn't an option, consider increasing the size of your pagefile. (Look it up.)

More options to reduce lag and improve fps in GTA 5
Some gaming optimize software could also serve as a solution, many software for pc execute rapid memory cleanups and terminate background. Some even go so far as to include overclocking and fan speed adjustments, like Razar Cortex, WTfast, Gameboost, Lagofast, and MSI Afterburner. These software are more likely to improve fps in GTA 5.

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