Guily Pleasures | Writing Prompt Contest By @blewittsteemCreated with Sketch.

in guiltypleasure •  6 years ago  (edited)


For the record, I actually had to google who it was that was being quoted there.. and then felt like an idiot that I didn't know who that was. Clearly, this post should be more "embarrassing things I don't know" rather than "guilty pleasures", but @blewitt started This Contest and had the nerve to actually call me out in the comments as someone who needed to do it... and I can't tell him no. His wife is too cool and he's too hilarious to tell him no... plus, he's a pretty good guy and who doesn't need a laugh right now?!

Okay, Guilty Pleasures... this was actually tough for me.. I don't have anything I do that I feel that guilty about. I went back to @blewitt's post for guidance and it was just a disgusting mess of nonsense...

We all have them. Things that we do that we know...pretty much suck. Be it that shitty song that you rock the fuck out to in your car on your way to get a chocolate milkshake at midnight. Or maybe it’s the awful movie that you cannot turn off that you admit is the purest form of monkey shit ever filmed.

So, I guess I'm on my own here.

But, this is actually a contest.. so lets throw in the basis of the contest for good measure...

The topic is Guilty Pleasures. What you do from there is up to you. Just take the 10 minutes and write up a post involving that topic. Use the hashtag #guiltypleasures as one of your tags so I can find it and so the other 13 of us can read it and absorb just how disappointing you truly are. I will personally select 3 winners (if 3 of you participate) to receive 10 Steem each. I know...I’m a high roller. I’ll pick which entries I like best. The good news for me is with the state of the crypto market and the fact that we have 7 days until payout, Steem will be worth .11 cents so I won’t be out much.

Alright! So, this is for fun ya'll.. enter the contest already!!!

My Guilty Pleasures (That I feel No Guilt For Whatsoever)


TV show that we watch entirely too much? Yep, I have one of those. Truth is, I don't feel guilty about this at all.. I love the show Friends, and have watched every single episode repeatedly. In fact, for years I would watch it every single night. What is not to love? It is and will always be one of my favorites.. and yes, even though I know every line, I still laugh like the little dork that I am... cause, well.. I'm crazy... like a straw.

2.) I Eat Cake For Breakfast Sometimes

Yuuuppp! Funny thing is, I eat really healthy.. lots of vegetables, make everything from scratch, don't eat processed junk.. but I will fully admit having cake for breakfast is one of my favorite things to do.. don't judge me. I mean.. at least its homemade guys.. Ok, maybe I feel a bit guilty about this one...

3.) I Drink Too Much Coffee

It's true, I love coffee. Sure I can go without it, but I don't want to. I enjoy the whole experience.. I love making coffee, the smell, holding a warm mug of goodness and of course.. you know, drinking it. I probably drink too much, and I realize this.. and do actually make myself go a week per month where I switch to herbal tea instead to let my body have a break, and to prove to myself I'm not addicted hehe. The truth is, bringing me a cup of coffee will immediately make me love you, I'm not kidding.. you will win me over immediately and we will be best friends. Sadly I have somehow gone 32 years without anyone bringing me a cup of coffee to me in bed... #fail

4.) I Would Rather Go Barefoot

I hate wearing shoes, I really do. At home, I very rarely wear them and one of my favorite things to do is to walk through the grass barefoot. It's not just the grass either.. rocks.. cement.. snow (yeah I really did that once), I just don't like to wear shoes. Actually its why I love my moccasins so much @blewitt ;) They are as socially acceptable to barefoot as I can get in public! So yeah, call me an okie.. a hillbilly.. I don't care, I'd rather be barefoot.

I think I am suppose to include an embarrassing song at this point..

5.) I Like Old Country Music

Well, I hate pop music.. so you guys win there.. but one of my guilty pleasures is old country music.. like this one;

This is one of my all time guilty pleasure favorites.. it reminds me of my youth I guess. I have this memory of playing it on a record player (yes, we had one of those for some reason.. and no, I'm not that old), over and over and just dancing around the room. So, old country will always have a special place in my heart. You can take that new stuff and burn it though, that stuff is garbage..

6.) Steem


I am actually not a huge internet person.. so it is specifically Steem.. this place is like a damn black hole that sucks you in and leaves you delirious. I actually have given myself off times, because if I pick up my phone to answer just one question, I lose an hour of my life. Now, I love Steem.. I love the projects I am involved in, I love the people I've met.. but lets be honest.. there is a real world out there too! Right? I'm actually not sure but someone said there was.. so I figured I should go try and find it.

7.) I Like My Music Hard And Loud

People laugh when I tell them this.. I guess I just don't have the look or something, but I love metal music.. all genres. The hard riffs, the deep hit you in the soul lyrics, yup I love it all. I'm telling you guys, I'm a walking contradiction...

8.) Watching Movies In Bed

There are no gifs of people just watching a movie and eating popcorn in bed, apparently normal people do other things while watching a movie.

Anyways, yes.. watching a movie cuddled up in bed with a big bowl of popcorn, or cake or really any food at all, is one of my favorite things to do. I get all excited like a little kid and I just, it makes me happy. I seriously don't do this enough though.. I should get on it.. #adultingishard

9.) Romance Movies

Ok, I am pretty embarrassed to admit this one actually. I am a total smartass, cynical individual who still really enjoys watching a good ole romantic movie. I know, its dumb.. and I don't really like a lot of them.. some really are just dumb.. but others, I totally enjoy. There, I said it. I can't help it! I have a romantic soul, my personality test even says so.. I AM A WOMAN AFTER ALL!

ok, moving on...

10.) Nutella

it's like crack for women

Right, remember how I said I eat healthy? I really do lol.. you know, except when I'm having cake for breakfast or devouring Nutella like its the last jar on earth. What is with that stuff?!?!? Ok really, its specifically Nutella and strawberries.. probably my most guilty pleasure. In fact, I refuse to buy the stuff. Because 1, its horrible for you.. and 2.. I can't control myself around it. I even made it homemade once.. and it was so good.. but not the crack variety you buy in stores. So yeah, I refuse to have it allowed within 20 yards of me.. Sometimes you just have to admit defeat and move on...


I Cried Last Time I Watched Armageddon

I don't think this qualifies as a guilty pleasure.. but I felt I needed to admit something that was somewhat embarrassing since most of my guilty pleasures I don't actually feel guilty about... So yeah, I have seen this movie countless times and I am not a crier.. but last time I watched it I totally cried. I think as a woman I can blame the moon or mercury or something for this odd thing.. but I can't watch it anymore.. cause I cried like a baby.

Alright ya'll, hope you got a giggle out of this thing.. and go enter it yourself! Let's get some laughs going!

I'm off to find some Nutella...

Much Love,


Btw, this took me way longer than 10mins.. who makes a post in 10mins?!?

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Lots of greatness here. For starters...I love how your first compliment about me is actually of my wife. Even here she steals my thunder.

Next...I eat cake for breakfast as well. My daughter makes fun of me (deservingly) for doing so. It’s not an everyday thing, but if cake is in the house...chances are high that I’ll be dining on it in the am. So major props to you for that.

Feet are gross.

I cry at movies all the time. I love being wrapped up in a great story. I bawl each and every time I watch The Sixth Sense and I have seen it probably close to 50 times. One specific scene...any guesses?!?

Watching movies in bed is the best!!!

Thanks for participating. Means the world to me. Also feet are gross.


😂 sorry about that.. but she’s clearly hilarious.. I mean she roasted everyone at SF and she wasn’t even there!! Also, I’m mentioning wives from now on.. for a reason I’m not going to explain ha.

I’m so glad this is not just me, and yes.. it’s not often, but if I’ve made a cake.. I’m having some for breakfast. And yeah, I’ve unfortunately passed this guilty pleasure onto my daughter.. it would be better if she made fun of me honestly, but she just joins in on the madness 😬

Hey! I don’t like feet, I think they are gross too.. and belong on the ground.. don’t put those things near me. But what does being barefoot have to do with liking feet?? It’s not like I said I like to massage them.. 🤢 ... so don’t be silly, going barefoot outside has nothing to do with having a foot fetish.

Hmmm 🤔 I’m trying to remember that movie... when he realizes he’s, well.. not a living being anymore? I’m not sure.. it’s been too long. Probably a better movie to cry to then Armageddon 😂 who does that??

Thanks for the lovely challenge.. I needed to make fun of myself a bit. Have a good night!

She’s pretty funny. I’ll give her that. Even if she’s gung ho about Steemit for 3 days and then disappears for weeks on end. I guess I’ll forgive her.

My daughter gives me grief for housing some cake in the wee hours but I caught her eating Ice cream out of the carton one morning so she can go to hell.

In fairness, I don’t get quite as grossed out with feet as I used to. I actually get foot massages regularly as it keeps me from going postal and feels amazing. If you haven’t done it, go treat yourself.

Sixth’s at the end. Cole and his mom are sitting in the car in traffic. He confessed to his moms d proves it by talking about his grandma...her mom. He mentions how he she saw her dance and said the answer was yes. Everyday. Then he asked her what was the question to which the mom replies, “Do I make you proud?” Toni Collette is the actress and along with Haley Joel Osment, they are absolutely perfect in this scene. The movie is incredible in so many ways and there are a ton of brilliant scenes but this one specific scene always gets me. Beautifully crafted storytelling. Watch it again if you forget a lot about it. Armageddon...never cried at that but I’ll cry at other weird ass shit all the time. Lol. God forbid a dog dies...

Oh I watched Armageddon over and over. So, amazing film. My favourite part is when he starts singing I am leaving on a jet plane and when they were entering the spaceship and the guy called them astronauts :D

Haha, I’ve always really liked it.. it’s got its cheesy moments but overall, it was a good one. Why it makes me cry now.. I guess we will never know 🤷🏻‍♀️ Lol

Well, we just relate some moments with our life and that touches us. Same with me when they say the astronauts and the respect they show that makes me feels that it worth the struggle lol :D

Jesus, I so relate to everything on this list :)))) The coffee (also Gilmore Girls lol), the music, Steem duh...everything. @blewitt tagged me for this thing as well, do you think he'll be able to tell if I just copy/paste this one? He probably would.Damn.
Oh my, I just saw you have a #blewitt tag, how badass is that? :))

Yay!! See?? I’m not that crazy after all haha. Gosh I love Gilmore girls too 👀

I’m sure he won’t notice.. he’s not that observant 😉 and yes the tag was needed.. at first I was going to do #blewitt’swife, but felt he deserved the credit on this one.

Can’t wait to read yours ❤️❤️❤️

Lol. Oh I noticed. I laughed and was going to mention it but it was late and I was falling asleep writing your comment here. Very funny indeed.

I find this list perfectly normal.... or do I have issues too? hahaha

I can't think of a better plan than barefooted nutella cake with coffee for breakfast! hahaha My step dad actually calls me Frodo cause I refuse to use shoes like ever ... :P

''I Cried Last Time I Watched Armageddon'' <---- this is gold... writes it down in special notebook... I might need this later .... LOL

This was a fun read , good while accompanying my coffee nutella cake ;) .

We must all have issues 😂 .. oh gosh barefoot with Nutella cake and coffee!! That might be the dream! Yeah, I get called an okie a lot.. I think I would prefer hobbit though 🤔

Yes, please right that down and use it whenever necessary haha!

Thanks for the support and the giggle ❤️

But you do have pleasures?

Posted using Partiko Android

Of course, who doesn’t? 😉

I think plenty of people in this world

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Maybe, I think it depends on what one sees as pleasures.. I tend to find the most pleasure in the smallest of things... like the way a leaf falls to the ground in a certain way, or how the sun feels on my skin or how something small can remind me of someone and it brings a smile to my face. Or.. hey, eating cake like in this post.

Pleasures can be many things and while each person is different, I think we all as humans have things that give us pleasure in one way or another.

oh gosh, I share a lot of these with you (other than Friends but maybe I'll have to check it out) We don't eat breakfast around here but somehow a large piece of carrot cake with butter cream icing made it into my mouth this morning while I was drinking a huge mug of coffee and catching up on steemit. I feel no guilt about any of these things although I know deep down that I probably should. ;)

Yay!!! I’m glad I’m not the only one!! And seriously, that sounds like the perfect morning.. I really want to come join you. ❤️ Life is too short to feel bad about cake.. I think so anyways! Thanks for the lovely comment 🤗

Well said on the forum discussion!

Posted using Partiko Android

Great post!!!!

Also...the writing below is my favorite part of this...lolololol

Okay, Guilty Pleasures... this was actually tough for me.. I don't have anything I do that I feel that guilty about. I went back to @blewitt's post for guidance and it was just a disgusting mess of nonsense...

Sorry 😂, I was feeling especially funny.. but really, I went back to quote your post like I normally do for contests and just thought... I can’t quote this shit lol.. ha.. it still makes make laugh. Thanks for the contest.

Your choice was a better choice than just quoting it. Good job. I love that it was a disgusting mess of nonsense. Perfect choice of word. I’m actually quite proud.

Hey @llfarms, *smiles.

Walking barefoot whilst in Nature is so very important because that is one way as to how we humans absorb the negative ions which the Earth radiates, and which are antioxidants for the human body.

If one cannot go barefoot, then wearing leather soled shoes is the next best thing. Wearing rubber soles, however, prevents the Earth's negative ions from being absorbed.

The following link leads to an article about that:

From Lannie.

Hey Lannie! Yes, totally agree with the health benefits as well.. and find myself barefoot and soaking up the sun anytime I need a bit of a pick me up 🤗 thank you for the link, going to check that out now.

Hahah I related to quite a few of your "guilty" pleasures I have to say. Definitely the barefeet thing. It is pretty chilly here now in the UK, and I really should be at least wearing socks at home, but no thanks. I like my feet connecting with the cold floor.. Also great to know there's another metal fan around (quite a few of us now!), makes me wonder what bands you like!!

It's a shame we didn't really get that much of a chance to hang out at SF3, I did have a feeling we could get along pretty well ;)

Hahahah I’m the same.. I need to feel grounded I guess.

I know, crazy how a week wasn’t enough time to really get to spend time with the people I wanted. I’m sure we will get another shot 😉 Next time we should grab some wine and Nutella though and go watch friends and Gilmore girls. ❤️

I am imagining a place/event where steemians can stay for at least a month at a time. That should just about be enough time to fill our cups ;)

Turns out quite a few of us are really into Gilmore Girls, I guess that's thanks to @blewitt for forcing the truth out of us haha!

did someone say popcorn in bed? 😇

Wasn't aware of your barefoot pleasure, but I can only admit while wearing fivefingers walking barefoot is the best feeling there is. Best feeling in the world walking out of your tent barefoot and drink some coffee😍

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