My Pleasure

in guiltypleasures •  6 years ago 


I think I might be a little late to this party (read:contest) of guilty pleasures, but I still wanted to share mine. I’ve been chuckling at all the other entries and loved finding out that most of us are not that different after all. This is a writing prompt made by @blewitt, and I highly recommend you go stalk the #guiltypleasures tag, and write about yours, so we can connect in our weirdness.

House hunting

I go to a Finnish real estate site and start browsing the homes starting from the most expensive ones, thinking which one I would buy. I don’t even dream, I’m seriously looking at them like I had money to buy a 3 million euro home. I look at the spaces, think about the area it’s in, year it’s build, whether it needs work or not, and would it be worth the extra cost. And of course I judge the current owners interior design decisions. Some are awful and ruin the whole space, some houses I would want to buy furnished because they are already everything I want. This is a fun hobby to have and I don’t do it very often, because expensive houses in Finland don’t move too fast, I always want to have a good new selection to browse.

Online shopping

Once a month I’m high on pain killers and one of my favourite things to do is to shop online. I’m barely conscious when I log on to the Asos app, browse for things I don’t need but want. I can do it for hours, sometimes falling asleep in between and then continuing. Doesn’t need to be a Sherlock to realise I do some serious damage to my bank account while doing this. I’ve been getting out of this habit and only window shop, but I do slip up at times for the love of fashion and playing dress up.

Not leaving the home for a week

As long as I have food and internet connection, I can easily stay inside for numerous days in a row, not going further than the balcony for fresh air. If I run out of food, I just order more so I don’t have to leave the house. I’m very good at entertaining myself and I don’t need/want another human in my space most of the time. I eat, sleep, watch Netflix, Photoshop pictures, take selfies, and do all sorts of random girly shit for days on out. If I’m seriously in the middle of my hedonistic life alone, and someone asks me for coffee, chances are that I’ll say no and claim that I’m busy with work. I’m not, but I just wanna be alone, eating chips and wearing ugly sweatpants. Lately I have been feeling a bit guilty of my hermit life, and have been trying to be more social, like a normal functioning member of the society.


15 minute nap, oh no no, that is for pussies, I go for a three hour nap. Sometimes I go to a nap because I’m bored and don’t feel like getting up to anything. I know three hour “naps” are not smart, they fuck up the whole cycle, but I do it anyways. It’s usually a certain period when I do this every day, and then I snap out of it when I’ve had enough.

I surely have a lot more guilty pleasures, but if I were to share them all, it would be a two hour read, besides, you don’t need to know everything.

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I think I might be too late for this one :(

I’m very good at entertaining myself and I don’t need/want another human in my space most of the time.

You know, most normies call this isolation.. I laugh at the notion and tell them to fuck off with their simplistic mindsets. Being alone rocks, but it's also nice to hang with people who share similar mindsets from time to time.

I enjoyed reading your guilty pleasures, and I am willing to bet that you didn't list all of them.. 🤐😮😋

Yeah you missed the deadline for the contest but I think you could do a post just for the fun of if!

I can relate to 3 out of 4, and know more than one person with an ASOS addiction.

my money is in ASOS returns

An interesting way of saving 😁

Ahahah I never return anything so I don’t even have that 😂

Love that you house hunt when there is 0 intention. Also you are super fancy and shitty about it. Perfect.

lol @ shopping while high on pain killers!!!

Much love to you my dear. Thanks for chucking yours out there for all to see and I love the honesty.

For me, doing everything without the needing of socialize personally. I love to be alone with my only presence, and shopping online, napping and not leaving home are three things that totally combine with this.
Thanks for sharing.

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guilty pleasures.... mmmm
sounds like fun

Hated naps as a kid and love them as an adult! How times change.

I’m pretty sure I loved them as a kid too, all my relatives love naps so it was normal to have them, it wasn’t just a thing for kids 😝

Lol I can so relate to staying home for several days! I’ve never done a week but 3 days is very common for me! Oh and the naps too 😆

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oh my god - when a parcel arrives and I turn to husband and say 'what the fuck did you order now?' and realise it's addressed to me and there was that night when....

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