GUILTY PLEASURES - Response to @blewitt's writing prompt...

in guiltypleasures •  6 years ago 

I was totally reluctant to join in the #guiltypleasures fun instigated by the very funny @blewitt - he operates in circles that I don't (not that I don't want to, it's just I haven't had chance yet I suppose), and there's hundreds upon hundreds here confessing their guilty pleasures (okay might be an exaggeration...) so as if anyone needs ANOTHER confession to, not even sure I can keep it clean... okay @riverflows put a lid RIGHT on that one.... I think the only other Steemian that knows my REAL guilty pleasures is @mountainjewel, and she's both sworn to secrecy and is meditating under a cone of silence somewhere...

...BUT.... has anyone else noticed since we've had more adversity here due to powers that be fucking stuff up, we've got CLOSER? I've met more people in the last few weeks than I have in months, and have been LOVING the fact that the crew I hang with and LOVE on this steemchain ARE STILL HERE! Woot!

Okay - so I've been thinking hard about my guilty pleasures, and whilst I absolutely CANNOT share my REAL guilty pleasures here because I'm not prepared to go THAT far into my personal life, I have one that I think might pass muster. It is silly and ridiculous because really - um, I'm an adult, and I don't have anything to feel guilty about? I do what I do, and refuse to carry guilt for the stuff that rocks my world and floats my boat, but there's one or two things that still make me look over my shoulder just to check if anyone is watching...

When I was growing up, my Dad was a Virgo (actually, he's still a Virgo) and was super pedantic about being neat and clean. You couldn't leave the phone book out for 20 microseconds before he'd say 'is anyone using that phonebook?' and, being a teenager, I found this RIDICULOUS. I mean, of course no one is using it Father dear - unless it's a phantom or a ghost because do you SEE anyone using it? Same goes for the light on in my bedroom - if you count heads (me, Mum, sister, you) in the loungeroom, YOU KNOW that there's no one in my room using the light, so why don't you just turn it of when you're walking past and be done with it? Of course, I wasn't the kind of girl that would talk back, and I got the whole 'whilst you're under my roof' thing - seemed fair enough - so I wouldn't actually SAY these things.

Anyway, back to guilty pleasure numero uno - we used to live in a truck in England, and then a bus on land here in Australia. As I was raised that way, I kept those spaces super clean and organised - it's a good idea to do that in a small space anyway. I found myself saying the same thing as Dad - 'is anyone using this 'insert x item here'', even annoying myself in the process.

I'm so anarchic I even defy rules people haven't set for me...

Anyhoo, my guilty pleasure was THROWING RUBBISH OUT OF THE WINDOW OF THE VEHICLE. Not the kind of rubbish that blows away and gets stuck on a blackberry thorn, I'm not that horrid, but stuff that I'd go and pick up later and put in the bin.

The bus is now a guest room - look how Virgo clean it is...

Would this be the look on my Dad's face if he realised his adult daughter was throwing rubbish out of her house window? (sorry Dad for using you for entertainment #notsorry

But there was something about throwing rubbish out the window that made me just feel absolute DELIGHT. Part of me was 'screw you Dad, I'm now an adult and can DO WHAT I WANT' and part of me was looking over my shoulder just in case Dad was there and saw me! Honestly, I LOVED it! Every used bottle of ketchup, every empty crushed can of gin and tonic, every apple cider vinegar bottle - out she goes! Woot! YEAH!! I'm an adult AND I CAN MAKE MESS - watch me go.

I live in a house now and I have a rubbish bin inside, so it's just not the same thing. However, we leave for work in the morning with takeaway coffee cups, because we're good like that. We have 4 of them, because they often don't make their way in from the car after work. I usually carry the new full one out to the car, find the old one in the cup holder... and guess what I do with it?

That's right. I throw it out the window.

Funnily enough, my hubby doesn't share in this guilty pleasure - he's the one that comes home from work and picks up the keep cups from the driveway and brings them inside.

But he loves me anyway, and think it's kinda cute that over twenty years after I left home, I'm still getting my kicks by defying the rules of a father that can't even see me do such a naughty thing, and wouldn't care less anyway.

Am I weird? (Don't answer that)

What's your guilty pleasure?

Not sure you have that long to answer it - think I've scraped in during the last hours of the contest. Off to read some other confessions now - and clean up my yard before I'm overcome with guilt...check out @blewitt's post here which contains links to other guilty pleasures....

Oh, and this one is for @karinxxl who reckons it's a good idea to put a song in every post - 'fuck you I won't do what you told me' seemed to just FIT... lol... I crack myself up....


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Hhahahahaha I bit of Rage against the Machine just right there totally finishes this post actually! I never would have thought miss eco was a out of the window thrower indeed!

see, this is the nice stuff of meeting other people sides :DD
(ps i put on the songs and want to throw out my whole appartment now here at 7.08 AM)


Just shared this clip on @soyrosa 's post, reckon you'll get it too.

I am literally preforming this ritual in my house as we speak, ticking on everything :D

Classic. I loved that show. He also did it at the lights.. you know the tick tick of pedestrian crossing???

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I also know from everybody at work on the sound of how they walk who is passing me by...thats nerdy hahaha

And there's a LOT MORE than meets the eye with me... hahah

Love me some Rage!

But now I want to hear about your other guilty pleasure? Is it kinky?!
You can’t tease us like that! As for the rubbish throwing, I’m horrified! You seem so environmentally conscious....😱 But we obviously have our quirks thanks to our childhood. Lol

Oh I clean it up again and it's in my own yard... ahaha talk about guilts.. And of course it's kinky but NO WAY AM I TELLING aahahahha

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Awww....😢 I live for this kinda stuff! I love reading about people’s kink...You can just write it as:
“I know this woman who...”
“I have a friend who...”
We can pretend it’s not you talking you’re talking about! Just wink a

Haaaahaaaaa this article cracked me up. I can see you in my mind just happily and a bit sneakily tossing garbage out windows only to go outside and clean it all up again (in my mind, using a pooper scooper somehow) 😂 dying.
Where's @mountainjewel... She needs to spill those beans.
My guilty pleasure... Well one of them (I'll share the naughty ones if you will!)... Is lazing about the house on my days off alone. Like seriously lazing. I can laze like no other when I'm alone, and I can move at turtle speed when no one else is around with very little provocation. I call it "brain recharging" and "self care" to feel better about it but in reality it's pure unadulterated turtle speed laziness and it's great.

Thanks for sharing! Haha
Xx ToL

Haha I know it's ridiculous... like i throw it out just to clean it up again? Wtf am i like....but seriously, I get a really wierd pleasure from it!!!!

Oh yeah I'm the same - usually. Except this week I've been uber tidying - like, obsessively spring cleaning - I think I'm trying to get some stuff straight in my head and the only way to do that is to straighten my house... ugh... i need some turtle time!!!

I was about to unfollow you for throwing stuff out the window 😅 but since its more of a rebelious streak ill stick around and the fact you linked to RATM that was one of the songs that defined my teenage years 😂

Plenty of quiltypleasures but like you i aint sharing them online 😆

Great read thanks for sharing!

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Lol I go pick it up again!!!! It's not a moving vehicle.. straight onto MY property lol.. I'm not that feral!! Lol xx

GLAD you didn't unfollow.. I'd be devastated.

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