So @Blewitt Wants To Know Our Guilty Pleasures - I'll Cave

in guiltypleasures •  6 years ago  (edited)

I see through his game. He gives up some innocuous personal details, i.e., eating raw cookie dough, and then collects our info to charge his Steemian voodoo dolls.

While I now know where my missing stuff from SteemFest went, I'll still play along for the sake of engagement.

Here are my "Guilty Pleasures". Profile away, Chris...

1. The Good Karma Charity Stash

For 5+ years, I've picked up every coin or bill I've come across face up for good luck/karma. If it's not face up, I flip it before picking it up. It could be a penny in front of a billionaire, I don't care. I have no shame because my intention is to put it all towards a charitable cause in the future, beaming with good karma for those on the receiving end. I've never ever taken from the stash.

I recently organized it in rolls (~$200 seen above), but will keep adding to it because it wasn't enough. The thought of buying Steem at these prices with it was enticing to upvote others and grow it, but I'm not confident in the state of everything right now.

2. A Big Weakness: Authentic Singing Auditions

I get very lost watching singing auditions on YouTube, usually tearing up wishing I could surprise people with a great voice. I love watching people get overwhelmed by their first standing ovation after they faced their fears and learned to believe in themselves. I've tried to develop my voice over the last 5+ years and have gotten much better. I usually sing to myself when I walk outside late at night. Sometimes I sound pretty good, but I don't know.

Before SteemFest's karaoke night, only 3 people have heard me sing. One was a girl I was dating 5 years ago who sang professionally, and gave me a B+ when I sent her a short voice file of "Ain't No Sunshine". The next was an elderly man I didn't see sitting in my old building's foyer when I was belting "Plush" by STP late at night. He died a few weeks later and I feel somewhat responsible. The last was when my ex heard me going falsetto on her puppy monitor to "Apologize" by One Republic. She said it sounded amazing, but I shied away.

One day, it'll be my day...

3. I Drum Everywhere And On Everything

After taking almost 7 years off from the drums, people couldn't believe how I hit the ground running to start gigging. I actually think I got better because I had so much joy to make up for, appreciating every hit to the fullest.

The secret was drumming on my lap on the subway, on my cubicle, on girlfriends, or at/under the dinner table. Whenever I have a seat on the subway, I'm playing the drums on my legs and with my feet with my eyes closed. No headphones, just improv or covers. In all of my years, only one person has said something. The best part is when other drummers see me doing this, they'll start showing some of their chops for a subtle air drum battle. It also gets people playing the air keys or air guitar. Pretty cool.

4. Serving Sizes Do Not Apply To Me

I do eat normally when required, but I often eat a LOT of one thing at once. I tackle one food group at a time and knock it out. For example, I can have a dozen eggs at once (8 on the low end), or up to two pounds of ground turkey with sea salt and ketchup. You may be wondering about my vegetables, and I appreciate that. I'll have a pot full of boiled brussel sprouts as an appetizer. When it comes time to eat a family-size of anything (organic or course), I'm a family of one. The same goes for any type of natural drink with protein, or coconut water. I've had plenty of cashiers at grocery stores tease me when I stock up. Thankfully, I have a strong metabolism and am active, so you couldn't even tell.

*5. I Love Recycling To Help The Environment

I enjoy this so much that I upcycle and freecyle in my city constantly for income. I've turned down lucrative job offers to be able to continue on this path. I don't just talk or hope for a positive impact, I make sacrifices and do it with my bare hands. I've salvaged and sold thousands of household items, antiques, and collectibles. No exaggeration. This brings me great joy and it doesn't stop there. I've recycled thousands of boxes and padded mailers, an inconceivable amount of bubble wrap, packaging paper and packing peanuts -- what I'm most proud of. It's easy to make money by finding free things, but it's work to salvage packaging when I could easily buy it and save the time.

Outside of buying one padded mailer 5 years ago in a pinch, and obviously tape, I've never spent another dime on packaging in 5 years. Aside from some free USPS supplies, or some bubble mailers from eBay I sometimes get for free, the rest is completely saved from the curbs... Think about that. If anything comes from this post, please recycle what you can!

6. Who's A Night Owl?

No, I'm not a vampire, but I regularly stay up very, very late at night. I work for myself and enjoy being productive while most of the city I live in is fast asleep. It sort of makes me feel like I'm getting ahead by working and exercising when others aren't. Yes, I sleep off the morning, but it's not that bad. While I'm single and have no strings, this is my shtick.

7. Childhood, Nostalgic Movies, Emotional Slow Songs, Nature & Magical Fantasy Worlds

This lineup makes my world stand still. I'm not sure why, but these types of things almost always freeze time for me and make my eyes water. There's no way to control it. Looking at childhood pictures, forget about it... There's something about nostalgia and forgotten times that moves me to the core. While people in my city are brainwashed by their jobs, social media, a fast and shallow culture, and eroded values, this stuff keeps me true to myself and my roots. They help me slow down to appreciate the simple, more important things.

P.S. - Sometimes I feel like I was an archer and a sniper in past lives.

Here's a nice song.

8. Motivational Speeches & Quotes

I've been through the ringer in the last 3 years with extensive family challenges. I've dug deep to support my parents and siblings (while keeping myself growing), but got plenty of help by playing motivational content all day long until I was recharged. Whenever I need a boost, I play compilations of these types of speeches and I'm fired up in no time. These messages have given me lot of drive as I work for myself and exercise at home.

Below are two powerful examples I gravitate toward that can easily fire you up.

9. Rap Freestyles

Much like my weakness for singing auditions, I can get equally lost watching rappers freestyle. I'm not a fan of the written stuff or violent lyrics, but it's impressive to see them flow. I prefer watching rappers before they became famous, but sometimes a polished written does the trick. Sway In The Morning's 5 Fingers Of Death Challenge is usually my go to, especially when he throws out random words for the rappers to pivot off of while the beats change.

El fin. Buzzer beater.

There you go, Chris. As promised, and plenty for your hair doll.

Thanks for your generous effort to manage and support this contest.


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We get recycle and are saving money for a charity. All hail Matthew!!! Ugh...

I wanna hear the dirt. Like that time you told me you love to organize bum fights. Or how when you bartender you would roofie random drinks to “see what happened”.

I guess these will have to do for now though....

Thx for playing brother. Knew I could count on you to finish my do...uh...participate in the innocent contest.

You crazy?! This positive image helps me stay on parole. We discussed this at length the last time I was bartending.

I don't remember anything from that night come to think of it....

I like your good luck change idea. I wonder if you would give that lucky dollar to a stripper she would actually use it to help pay for her college tuition? Turning things around, one stripclub at a time

Hmm, yes, I like this one Matt. :D

I just caught this now! And Matt, I have to say most of your "guilty" pleasures were more like holy pleasures. Like come on... hahhaa seriously though, it's so so obvious you have such a good heart. And I sometimes feel the need to say this because I can't help but be such a mom sometimes, but your family must be so so proud of you! Take care and talk more soon :)

Hey!!! Most people posted that coffee was their guilty pleasure, so at least mine were creative! Speaking of Mom and holy, here's that post from a few weeks ago you should read to melt a little bit: Enjoy.

I've had it in mind that I haven't checked out the post, and was going to dig for your comment/post, so thanks for popping it here.

I spent some time to read the post last night, but I want to read it once or twice more to really digest it all. Will get to that these few days and reply properly on that post. It's triggering a lot of thoughts and reflection, so I want to give it the time. I do think it's amazing for you to share that story, you were great at telling it. Much Love!!

Yeeeees to authentic singing auditions!! OMG i've totally gone down some major YouTube rabbit holes on that one too. I finally have to pull myself away when I run out of tissues.

Such a fun list of guilty pleasures!

Long time no good writing:) a good read :)

Hah. I know my jokes have be lousy lately since there's no audience to motivate me. At least I trimmed down 10 pounds to be more cut as I start to get back to my workouts. Thanks for reading.

You made me rich and poor,interesting,talented, hungry, sad, laughing, crying.... and motivated. Thanks

Where did you find the Euro Bill?

Posted using Partiko Android

Good eye! I found it on line at an airport. No one was looking for anything they dropped, so I stepped on it and pretended to tie my shoe. It was right before getting off the line, so no one was really in front of me anymore to ask. I actually have a bunch of foreign coins as well, but I'd never be able to practically convert them. I also have some sterling silver and gold stuff I found, but I keep that separate. I think one piece has lots of small diamonds.

Nice i am collecting as well

Posted using Partiko Android