Guinea's and Ducks

in guineas •  6 years ago 


A couple of weeks ago we went to the local Agway and picked up 9 Guinea fowl, 3 ducks, and 4 chicks (no photo of the chicks) :(.
We originally went to get just the guinea's but ended up coming home with the ducks and chicks also. This is what happens when I take the girls along on these trips.
We got the chicks to put under a broody hen who was sitting on unfertilized eggs. I'm happy to report the chicks and mom are doing great.

The ducks are awfully cute at this age and they seem to get along well with the chickens. It won't be long before they are swimming in the pool.

I am keeping the guineas in a stock tank for a few day until they become use to the new location. After that we will let them free range around the farm. They will eat every tick in site.
Unfortunately they will get picked of by predators one-by-one until we have to replenish the flock in a year or two. The guinea's cost me $4.00 each so for $45 buck I will have a tick free yard for the rest of the year.
If you are thinking about getting guineas make sure you are on good terms with your neighbors; these birds make A-LOT of noise.

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howdy @hhayweaver! hey look at all those birds! and you sound like an experienced Guinea breeder. We raised a group of them but the coyotes ate them all. talk about noise! they called the coyotes to dinner!

what is your location like, semi-rural?

We live in Southeast PA near Allentown (think Billy Joel) on a 60 acre farm, so yeah semi-rural.
I think of the guineas as a consumable / expendable resource with one job to do and that is eliminate the ticks.
Around here we have foxes, lots of foxes and the guineas love to call them too ;)
@janton Have an awesome day and stay cool down their in TX.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I have heard that guinea's are an expendable resource...but worth it to get rid of those nasty ticks!

Good thing you got those other poultry... any sign of the keets yet?