New Neon Gibson Les Paul Models

in guitar •  7 years ago 

So, I found this info in one of my social media newsfeeds and just had to share it with fellow guitar players and gear geeks alike! Neon color Les Pauls?!?! I could honestly only seeing myself playing the blue one, because the others are just too tacky unless you are in a dedicated 80s tribute band or something (or Steel Panther perhaps! 😜). What are your thoughts on these new models? I can just imagine price tag...$3000-$4000? I can also see the huge backlash between Les Paul lovers and traditionalists too. Hey, at least they put a Floyd Rose on it! 😜

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I'm with you on the blue one but the rest of the colours are not to my taste. Not a big fan of exposed pickups on Les pauls either. Not really sure who this range of guitars is aimed at though, maybe metal players?

I’m not sure. I know Gibson is in big trouble financially, and I don’t think this was a smart move. Maybe in 1985, but not now. Especially at the prices I’m sure they will be asking.

Pretty colorful! should taste one to have an opinion... Price seems a bit prohibitive tough...

Definitely! As long as it sounds good, it could be a secret studio guitar 😜