Very nice. I've been interested in circuit bending for a long time now, sadly the only soldering iron I had broke and I just haven't had the money or motivation to pick one up since.
The only thing I've ever soldered was a backlight for a Gameboy a few years ago, I think I might have done a prosound mod to it as well. At least your soldering serves a purpose now, haha.
Very nice. I've been interested in circuit bending for a long time now, sadly the only soldering iron I had broke and I just haven't had the money or motivation to pick one up since.
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thanks...I soldered at many boring companies over the i use soldering for stuff!!!
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The only thing I've ever soldered was a backlight for a Gameboy a few years ago, I think I might have done a prosound mod to it as well. At least your soldering serves a purpose now, haha.
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