"Violence" is actually the most useful word used my the least useful morons in the gun control movement.
It's a word that's shifted the rhetoric from "gun control" to "gun violence prevention" all the way up to the top of the organized murder, theft, and rape machine (aka government) of These United States.
"Violence" does apply to a murderer shooting a victim. "Violence" also applies to a woman shooting some asshole trying to rape her. "Violence" can be applied to storms and earthquakes
The middle-ground estimates regarding the number of defensive uses of firearms in These United States is about 1.6 million a year.
So, if you clump gun murders and gun suicides together, it's still more than plausible that guns are still used 41 times more often in lawful self-defense per year.
All of these cases are instances of gun violence.
This is the same bullshit that they pull with swapping the word "murder" with the word "homicide." You can't murder a person, and be a good person. If you kill a person who is trying to commit a murder or a rape, you've still committed a homicide, you're still a good person. You might be a hero in the latter scenario.
This matters because, if this new bureau pulls off a miracle, and actually becomes effective on the basis of their own words, things will get a lot worse.
They might prevent the 13,000 gun murders and the 30,000 gun suicides per year, which they probably won't. But, that'll come at the cost of 1.6 million justifiable, lawful uses of firearms in the prevention of unlawful acts of violence.