We don't need more regulations, or changes in policy. We need people to be smarter than Alec Baldwin.

in gun •  2 years ago 


So, this is one of those weird spaces where I actually come in conflict with some of my fellow 2A people.

I would be willing to bet that more guns have gone bang on movie sets than in these united States over the last thirty years. During that time, a total of two people have been killed due to gunfire on movie sets.

We don't need to change the rules. We don't need to stop using blanks on film sets. We don't even need to do away with scenes that involve guns being pointed at people.

The rules are freaking fine.

Since Brandon Lee was tragically killed on The Crow, we've had movies like Blackhawk Down. We've had Saving Private Ryan. We've even had 3:10 to Yuma.

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