Nobody deserves to go through what this woman went through.

in gun •  last year 


I do need to preface any and all of my commentary about this by saying that I do want this woman deserves justice. I hope that the thugs that attacked her spend a long time in prison, or they make the mistake of assaulting a good guy with a gun and end up meeting their comeuppance that way.

Still, it must be pointed out that CBS didn't point out that this politician was calling to dismantle the police department.

I had to actually take to Twitter to find the receipts after going to the news source that pre-Musk Twitter shadow-banned in order to get Biden elected.

Now that she's been attacked, she wants the cops to do their jobs.

How many people have been assaulted in Minnesota while she's been calling to dismantle the police?

At least she seems to be somewhat intellectually consistant in regard to supporting gun control even after this incident.

Still, two problems exist.

One is the pervasive problem of people who want to confiscate guns while also wanting to abolish the department that will do the confiscating. I mean, it still baffles me that leftists are so stupid to think that they can have a police state without the police.

The other thing is that this is precisely the thing that pro-2A people are always talking about.

She was attacked by multiple men in front of her kids.

Has is not crossed her mind that she might have been better off if she had a gun and knew how to use it? Maybe, just maybe, it would have been beneficial to have a gun that held more than 'eight bullets in a round'? (Thank you Biden for that gift that keeps on giving). Wouldn't she have been better off if she could have 'ripped their lungs out of their bodies' with a 9mm handgun?

Nobody deserves to go through what this woman went through.

We also can't deny that people go through this every day. And it's politicians like this who have been turning a blind eye to these attacks and throwing the wrong people in prison for gun possession.

She would do well by overhauling her entire moral and political philosophy. Apparently, she hasn't.

Just like a normal leftists, she's content to be a hypocrite.

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