Hear Robinson say to Democrat leaders concerning the silent majority and taking our protection away, 'we’re the first ones taxed, the last ones considered and the first ones Punished when things like this happen!'

in gunban •  6 years ago  (edited)

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Find video at end of transcript and summary below.

Mark Robinson from Greensboro, North Carolina went to a City Council meeting on a gun ban.

He went to the meeting upon finding out it was That Day! He states he, "does not intend to sit idly by as Politicians make rules to take away His rights as a Law Abiding Citizen!"

So he didn't have time to write a fancy speech, but what an Amazing Job he did in getting his important message across to these leaders.

This is what you will find in the clip as this is part of the transcript I typed out.

You make a law and even if and when law abiding citizens follow it,

The Crips and the Bloods on the other side of town. . .They won’t be turning Their guns in!

You know why? The criminal element Always gets a hold of guns or weapons because They Don’t Follow laws! You really think they’re going to turn their guns in? Are they suddenly going to get a conscience. They’re Not turning their guns in!

You should think about that! Our forefathers wrote those laws into the constitution so we could protect ourselves.

He wants to know when our elected leaders are going to start standing up for the Majority!

He reminds them just who that is. ..He’s the majority! Law abiding citizens are the majority who have never committed a serious crime.

He states, “every time we have one of these shootings no one wants to lay the blame where it goes…which is at the shooters feet!”

“You want to put it at my feet, you want to turn around and restrict my rights. Constitutional right that’s spelled out in black and white. You want to restrict my right to buy a fire arm and Protect myself from some of the very people we’re talking about tonight. It’s ridiculous!

Many law abiding citizens around the country. . .”we’re the first ones taxed, the last ones considered and the first ones Punished when things like this happen!”

“Because OUR rights are the ones that are being taken away!

He wasn’t there at a town meeting for Any organization or show. He was there to stand up for the law aiding citizens of the community!

He reminds us that if law abiding citizens have to call the police for help after turning in their guns, how are they going to help? They can’t take care of crime as it is! They’ve been criminalized and hands tied also by this radical progressive agenda.

Those police aren’t going to be able to go down there and take those guns from the criminals! That leaves citizens at risk and these corrupt Democrat leaders who push for gun bans on law abiding citizens know Full well whose lives they put at risk. They Want to weaken us and take away our only protection!

He reminds, criminals are still going to have Their guns and be able to break in his house and shoot him and guess whose going to pay with their life or limb? Him and other law abiding citizens.

He says he will not fight back with violence, but will do what he calls the “loonies from the left do!” Keep coming down to City Council to make noise Until They LISTEN to the Majority of the people in the city and He IS the Majority!

He says the law abiding citizens Want their Constitutional Rights to bear arms!

He reminds they should be able to go to a gun show and buy a hunting rifle or gun. There’s no military grade weapons at gun shows! BTW, guess who has access to those? Remember the Fast and the Furious done under Obama? I believe we see Who gives these criminals access to guns!

He goes on to state that Anybody who would go into gun battle with an AR-15, which the mainstream media and those not knowledgeable tout. ..Is a FOOL! An Ar_15 is a semi-automatic rifle. He states, “you’d be Killed in 15 min. In combat with that thing!”

“It’s time to dispel all the myths and drop all the division we’ve got”.

“Those framers put that in the Constitution and we Want our Rights, We’re going to Keep our rights come hell or high water!”

Clip here,


Here is the full clip of him speaking on Fox News

**Mark Robinson at Greensboro NC City Council **

This is what was discussed on in an interview with Fox News

He talks about how fringes on both sides are being overly represented. We have a silent majority of law abiding citizens who are over taxed and under represented.

We are disregarded, many times our words ignored.

He says Good people need to start Standing Up! We need to go down to our City Councils, Town Halls .

"They used to say write your Congressman! I'm Not going to Write my Congressman, I'm going to Find my Congressman. I'm going to confront him face to face and I'm going to tell him!"

"Your not going to run over me any more, you're not going to put me last, because the Law Abiding Citizens of This Country, We're the ones that make the wheels turn and we Need to have our Voices Heard!"

"When they start putting their money where their mouth is, and they start punishing these criminals who use these guns, then I'll believe that they're actually Making and Effort to take illegal guns off the street!"

"But what I see now is a concerted effort to end the 2nd Amendment and it's Not going to happen."

If they can take away the 2nd, obviously the 1st is Right Behind it!

What do you think about what Mark Robinson had to say?

Do you believe Good people need to take a stand for their rights?

Do you feel it's fair criminals have access to guns and you have no way to defend yourself?

Do think police response times are fast? Can you rely on them to save you and your family if armed criminals break into your home?

Do you have a right to bear arms to protect yourself and family? Please let me know in the comments below!

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