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in gunban •  7 years ago 

The Left Wants To Ban Guns

This Is A Bad Idea

So, let me get this straight - the answer to these mass shootings is not to allow people to arm themselves for defense and deterrence, but rather to steer into the skid and make it harder for good people to get guns.


See, this is why the grown ups should never let the kids drive. Making guns harder to get only hurts good law abiders. Criminals will get them regardless just like they do with everything else that is illegal. Stricter gun control is only going to produce more victims. How dense and obtuse do you have to be not to be able to comprehend this? How is the left able to be so consistently wrong on EVERYTHING?


How come the left never wants to talk about the shooter's ethnicity, citizenship status, political affiliation, or which radical groups they belong to or follow? It is because it is usually a leftist who is doing this shit. The mainstream media always tries to pin it on the Tea Party or the right wingers in general, but invariably it almost always turns out to be a registered Democrat who belongs to some Communist organization and has pics of himself wearing a Che Guevera or hammer and sickle t-shirt on his social media pages, and may be a follower of MS-13, some radical Muslim group, or Antifa on Facebook. There is something else too.


Liberals portray their political opponents as not just wrong, but evil. When you tell people that Republicans want to put black people "back in chains" like former Vice President Joe Biden did, or conjure up a fake 'War on Women,' et cetera, then what do you expect will happen? When you continually badger America and its principles, painting it as sinister and oppressive, then you are liable.

The truly remarkable thing here is that the left is so clueless that their solutions, which caused the problems in the first place, are just going to make things worse. By allowing simple-minded compassion to dictate their opinions rather than reason, they come up with ideas that not only make no sense, but compound things. Not to mention, they are so ideological and religiously devoted to their political philosophy that they present non-sequiturs as if they are making a valid point. Marco Rubio gets money from the NRA. What the hell does that have to do with what happened? Barack Obama helped Iran get closer to developing nukes! Where were you guys on that?

Educating the left is the only way to combat all of this. The problem is that they are so close-minded they make Chairman Mao look like Jackie Chan. Show them More Guns Less Crime by John Lott. Share statistics, articles, charts and graphs. Most will stubbornly refuse, but like John Adams said, "Facts are stubborn things." We will get to some, and enlighten and convert them.


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