Gun Talk 101

in guncontrol •  7 years ago  (edited)

Gun Talk 101

For Those Who Need Extra Help


When the forefathers wrote the Constitution this musket was what the government had as a weapon, and so the citizenry could match them (minus canons). Remember now, the reason for the mass exodus to the 'New World' was because people were tired of the tyrannical forms of government that plagued Europe at the time. Also, let us not forget that the British tried invading a second time during the War of 1812 under the presidency of James Madison. Now, our government has tanks, jets, grenades, bazookas, and flame throwers. An AR-15 is the least we should have to defend ourselves in case this happens again.


Does the above pic look familiar? If not, let me recap for the uninitiated. This occurred under President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno. They sent these troops into a private residence to grab Elián González (six years old at the time) who was embroiled in a heated international custody and immigration controversy involving the governments of Cuba and the United States due to his father, Juan Miguel González Quintana. I am not referring to the specifics of this case, but I am pointing out that this could be ordered by our federal government for any reason they deem fit, and I, for one, want to be able to defend my family as well as possible.

Now, fast forward to this #virtuesignaling buffoon who destroyed his AR-15:

His gun was not the problem. Whether or not he would use it for a nefarious purpose is what ought to be of concern. He could have used it to defend his home if burglars broke in, a riot broke out, or if gangs infiltrated his neighborhood.

Anyone remember this?


Koreans used all sorts of firearms to defend their stores during the L.A. riots back in 1994. Would you have deprived them of that capability? Of that right?

I hear a lot of talk blaming politicians, the NRA, the gun, and just about everything under the sun, but you know what I don't hear in the mainstream media...blame on the psycho who pulled the trigger! All I hear from the left is more gun control, but I do not hear them saying much, if anything, about school security. Automatic weapons have been heavily regulated and restricted for decades. New automatic weapons have been banned for purchase since 1986. I have heard others say it, but it bares repeating here, "The NRA is the only organization that is blamed for things their members DO NOT DO!"

Is the irony lost on me that the cities with the strictest gun control laws have the highest murder rates! Honestly, let that sink in for a moment. Fox News is the only media outlet I have ever seen that actually covered cases where guns were used to prevent crime. Why has the rest of the media stubbornly refused to show those stories on their networks? Even someone as dumb as Kim Kardashian knows this, which is why she travels with armed guards ever since she was robbed in Paris not so long ago.

This punk, under his real name, said on YouTube that, "I'm going to be a professional school shooter," and the FBI had a screenshot of this apparently back in September 2017 according to the New York Times! Also, he frequented mental health clinics and was expelled from that very school for threatening other students! Please forgive all of the exclamation points, but WTF!

Then you have the mainstream media straight up lying about there having been 18 school shootings so far this year, which is total b.s. Then the left wing Anti-Defamation League lied when they tried to claim he was a White Nationalist, and the Associated Press ran with the story, of course. This is because the liberal media in this country have an agenda, and will print garbage if it fits their narrative. The New York Time's slogan should not be "All the news that's fit to print," it should be "All the news that we deem fit to print."

After the shooting of former Democratic Representative Gabrielle Giffords, ABC's Brian Ross tried (and failed) to pin it on the Tea Party as did New York Times columnist Paul Krugman. Anyone recall the fuss they made about Sarah Palin using targets on a political map? It was silly and stupid then, and it is silly and stupid now.

Mass shootings are a relatively recent problem. Practically every American since the founding had a gun. Why are liberals so reluctant to discuss our culture and the discipline of kids? How about the massive use of psychotropic drugs in young children, and the effect that may be having? Bad people do not follow laws. How about we raise better people? This maniac was a Trump hater (actually called him a "piece of shit"), pro-Antifa, pro-Islam, pro-CAIR, and every other quality that the left either wants to import or grow here.

The problem is that liberals are shut-ins who cannot and will not ever admit that they have been and continue to be misguided. They seem unable or unwilling to store new knowledge, and use it to grow. They cling to their political beliefs with a religious-like devotion, speak in empty non-specific slogans, make broad non-linear accusations, throw temper tantrums, and call people bad names just like bratty children.

When someone under the influence kills someone with their car, do we blame the automaker or the alcohol company? No, we blame the driver. How is this different? At the end of the day, the left has made it clear that this really is about one thing and one thing only - their hatred of guns. The Democrat party is the party of big government, and the media, academia, and the entertainment industry are in bed with them. So, ask yourself why this crusade against guns by all of these institutions, and who does it benefit to get rid of them? I will leave you with the words of Ben Shapiro, "Gun control isn't a policy. It's an empty slogan designed to label opponents evil." And what must one do to defeat evil? Why, anything and everything including lying, stealing, and cheating.

Please feel free to comment and tell me where you agree or disagree, I would love to hear your opinions.

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