Some Liberal Puss Worm on Facebook Who wants to be ruled over by a Nanny State posted This in favor Gun Control:
"Your money is guarded in a bank. your jewelry is in a safe.Your most important papers are in deposit boxes. The only thing that matters one shit is in a school building with almost zero protection.I don’t need cops hanging on the LIE.I don’t need security systems watching street corners and traffic lights. I need my kids protected in a school building .1,500 mass shootings since Sandy Hook. 300,000,000 guns on American streets.Make sure grandma's useless jewelry is safe, so when you need to wear it at a kid's funeral its available.Wake up ,it’s a New America!" -
To this I responded:
"O go fuck yourself! I don't want you ruling over me! Democracy = the people RULE/CONTROL! Pussy bitch! What you should really want is to be self-reliant, with the ability to not be overly dependent on a system for your sustenance, so you can also highly educate yourself and also have the time to educate your own children and also be able to have a firearm with the skill to protect your own family yourself, and maybe even have the money to have your own private security which you can choose for yourself, not chosen by some puppets who don't give a fuck about you and them but only want to keep their power! People like you are a cancer! You want to be in a nanny state with the government doing everything for you, well, you pay the price! This is why now children are kidnapped, even medically kidnapped from perfectly fine loving families in the name of their safety and well being when there is no problem in reality! And this happens with old people now too in certain states! Get a grip on reality and stop being bitch and start taking responsibility for yourself and your own actions! What are you, mentally handicapped that you need all of these rulers and restrictions!? Fucking hell, mate!
P.S. I don't necessarily want my riches in a bank. It is because of banks and new regulations based around them that if you have "too much" wealth, like money, then you are automatically a criminal who must have acquired it through immoral means, guilty until proven innocent, and they take your money away, and you are lucky if you aren't also caged! I can't even choose what I want to do with and how I want to keep, transport, and store my own money! Wow, democracy is so free with all of these rulers and their slave-drivers breathing down my back at every moment having to fear for my life and safety and that of my family, especially with the government child kidnappers!"
After this I was blocked.
What this liberal idiot does not comprehend is that the school is a gun-free zone. Obviously none of the guardians at the school are armed to deal with armed threats.
On top of this, his beloved Nanny State society which he worships as a god makes it very difficult for parents to home school or afford some other a private education of their choosing where they can better protect their children so that they are basically compelled to give their children over to the government child indoctrination center which they are forced to pay for anyway with government extorted tax dollars, a government which doesn't give two shits about its loyal subjects and so obviously these kids don't get the protection they need. Most of the time the answer is to restrict weapons more, but look at states with more gun control and violent crimes are higher, like shit hole Chicago.