Las Vegas Shooting Mystery Woman Solved on "We are all going to die" and NRA siding with Anti Gun Control Measures, updates, & with New Madrid Faultline

in guncontrol •  7 years ago 

Please read articles and watch videos and share.
Powers that shouldn't be create conditions for NWO Agenda, Psychological Operation.
"NOTHING in Vegas adds up b/c it was staged.
Vegas shootings were perp'd BY people IN the government & their cohorts. Just like clockwork, Communist filth went after the guns and now the #NRA is for regulation on law abiders.
Defend your homes w/ guns b/c we have NO country."

What Legislative Morons Won't Tell You About "Gun Control" by High Impact Flix

Powers that shouldn't be only want certain people to have guns. Only interested in personal gain with power, wealth, worldly things, and worship of themselves. They don't care about anyone, but themselves.
Criminals don't follow laws.
When the Elites have protection 24/7. Gun laws don't work take a good look at Honduras, Venezuela, Chicago, Sanctuary Cities works so well with more death and chaos.
Can anyone explain why 40,000 people die from vehicle accidents every year, more than guns?
All this gun control does it takes away guns from law abiding citizens. Restricts freedoms.
Support Second Amendment and defend your rights. Guns do save lives for self defense, etc.

What is a bump fire stock? by LegallyArmedAmerica

Good video on why Bump stock is NOT a good option for shooting. Semi Auto without Bump stock is way more accurate. You won't hear the dumb dumb media discussing Bump stock putting Shooter at a disadvantage.

"After it was determined that the Las Vegas coward used bump fire stocks on his rifles to murder innocent Americans, the media proceeded to muddy the water in terms of putting out very inaccurate data regarding the specifics of bump fire stocks and how they are or aren't related to fully automatic rifles.

This video is not intended to defend nor to degrade owners of bump fire units. (Except the Las Vegas shooter. He is an A-hole.) It is simply meant to educate people on what a bump fire device is and how it works. It’s also meant to dispel the myth that a bump fire stock transforms an AR-15 into a super weapon. The bump fire is no magic pill or silver bullet.

NOTE: Modifying a legal rifle with a bump fire system is legal to do, to own, and to shoot. It does not create a fully automatic rifle by definition, its action, or by the ATF's ruling."

In Your Face !!! #33 In The News & The Guerilla In The Room No One's Discussing by Victurus Libertas VL

Orwellian Times 1984+33=2017
$20.2 Trillion Dollars in Debt. US is a Corporation look under
28 U.S. Code § 3002 - Definitions under section 15 states US is a Federal Corporation.
Parties Change, POLICES DOESN'T. Both Parties same coin, same end.

Comments from Viewers:
"They need to pardon all debt! Because it's all the gov's debt not ours personally!!!!"
"I heard the 33,000 lost jobs on radio & KNEW it was contrived. That number is manipulated into whatever they want it to be."
"Look at the 1989 World Series earthquake footage. The number 33 appears twice before the earthquake starts."
"So heartbreaking when we keep connecting the dots. Don't even have the words anymore to describe whats happening, except:
" The Truth Will Set You Free, but first it will piss you off"

NRA Stands With Anti-Gun Groups Against The Second Amendment And Says ‘We Need To Have More Firearms Regulations’

NRA gov. Lobbying Gun Grab/ Gun Control
#HegelianDialectic explained
International Socialism (Left, Communism)
National Socialism (Right, Nationalism)
Both sides=same coin, eternal end
All by design, world's stage.

Breaking: Paul Ryan Just Advocated For Gun Control!!

Another reason to get rid of RINO snake POS SOB Ryan a.k.a. Eddie Munster.

"Before running around like Chicken Little and burning your NRA membership cards, maybe you should consider what would happen if the ATF does as the NRA suggests and re-considers their ruling on bump stocks:"

National Rifle Association Issues Statement In Support Of Potential Bump-Fire Stock Regulations

MYSTERY SOLVED - WE Are All Going To Die - Las Vegas Concert by Charles Walton

Both women took the Hispanic woman's advice and went back to their hotel room, shooting stated 45 minutes later.
Mystery woman is Breanna Hendricks from Colorado? Mother is Shawn. Are those False Names or what?
Haven't been questioned further by the police.
Breanna's page
Her mother's page

FBI Agents Investigating Las Vegas Shooting Told to Stand Down by Washington DC


Mississippi River unusually low, long strange cracks on the highway.
CIA=Criminals In Action
Comments from Viewers:
"ISIS = Israeli Secret Intelligence Service
Mandalay Bay was a psyop perpetrated by the Synagog of Satan!"
"OCCI, Inc. retrofitted the Memphis bridge 7 years ago to withstand seismic activity."
"Voting is manufactured consent."
"The Whole Plane is Stage for the Elites and we are the meaningless pawns,
We know they are the Fools, The Elite and their Minions just don't know it yet.
Peace be with you Brother."

New Madrid ready to GO experts warn by RichieFromBoston

"End it does appear the Mississippi may be slowly draining it self with all the rain with all the weather warfare it would seem the Mississippi should be high or overflowing its banks but oddly enough it's not doing that at all and here's video proof."
Chemtrails, GeoEngineering, Global Warming Scam, Weather Modification, Weather Warfare
There's a Severe Drought in the Midwest and finally got rain last night and today.

Vegas Shooter Investigators "Puzzled", Believe He Was Not Alone For Two Reasons
From the article, the rest you can read for yourself and share.
"Now, providing further impetus to the speculation that Paddock was not alone, NBC News reports, citing senior law enforcement officials, that investigators are speculating that someone else may have been in the Las Vegas gunman's hotel room when he was registered there.

According to NBC, the investigators are "puzzled" by two discoveries: First, a charger was found that does not match any of the cellphones that belonged gunman, Stephen Paddock. And second, garage records show that during a period when Paddock's car left the hotel garage, one of his key cards was used to get into his room. While there are several possible explanations for these anomalies, investigators said they "want to get to the bottom of it."

It gets better: according to Paddock's IRS records, the gunman was not only a legacy millionaire, he was a successful gambler, earning at least $5 million in 2015. Some of that could be from other investments, but most of it was from gambling, officials told NBC.

Separately, and this goes to Paddock's potential ISIS links which the Islamic State has tripled down on over the past week, CNN reports that in addition to his frequent forays into casinos and gun shops, Las Paddock took 20 cruises, many of them in Europe and the Middle East. In addition to stops at ports in Spain, Italy, Greece, the cruises also stopped in Jordan and the United Arab Emirates, according to information provided by a law enforcement source. Paddock's girlfriend, Marilou Danley, accompanied him on nine of the cruises."

Please read and watch videos, other postings and share.

Paddock’s Accomplice, Scott Edmisten Captured? CIA operation with G4S involved in False Flag Shootings present and previous, Deep State Censorship conditioning and programming

Real Story on the NFL/ National Anthem Story, Marketing for Military Industrial Complex, real enemy are Illuminati, Federal Reserve

Truth on Sports is Entertainment/Distraction as Roman Circus, it's All by Design by the powers that shouldn't be with NWO Agenda

Predictive Programming with Las Vegas Shooting as Illuminati False Flag mirrored to The Accountant, Jason Bourne, and Minority Report

Las Vegas was a FEMA drill, Gun Trafficking Gone Wrong, 2 Shooters, Paddock's girlfriend FBI Informant, former CIA Agent, and latest updates

Las Vegas False Flag event leads to Minority Report...Cui Bono? Loss of Freedom, Police State, Body Scanners like Minority Report

Las Vegas Shooter's name was posted 4 days before WTF? Proof Las Vegas shooting was done by two shooters at different locations

Las Vegas Shooting What's Next? Crisis Actors Complication, Hegelian Dialectic, Distraction from Hurricane Harvey, Irma, and Maria

Updates with Las Vegas Mass Shooting, Subliminal Messages, Muzzle Flashes, False Flag for next one

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You did a brilliant job on this post! I have been looking for information about the woman who yelled "You're all going to die", and thanks to you, I have found much more! Bravo! I am going to post the link to your entire post on twitter, if you don't mind. I hope it wakes up a few more people! Cheers!